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Sep 10, 2024

Innovative Summer School Camp Helps Prepare Displaced Israeli Children Return Home

The Summer of Tkuma (Rebirth), an innovative summer camp, helped prepare nearly 11,000 displaced Israeli children to return home. Supported by Federation and our overseas partners and developed by Habaita (Homeward), the six-week program welcomed fourth- through 12th-grade students from the western Negev, enabling them to reconnect with their schoolmates and teachers, engage in both studies and recreation — and just be kids again! Teenagers, a group exhibiting a rise in risky behaviors since their displacement, were provided with designated spaces to spend time with their peers and social workers. The summer pilot program helped reinvigorate these communities after suffering such tremendous loss. Habaita is now recruiting and training 400 new teachers and counselors to be placed in the north and south to improve education, bring back displaced citizens and attract new residents.

High Holiday Welcome Program Now Open

High Holiday Welcome Program Now Open

As a service to our community, Federation and the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami, along with many local synagogues, are making the High Holiday Welcome Program available to unaffiliated individuals in Miami-Dade County so everyone can experience the richness of these special days.

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Surfside Hero, Col. Golan Vach, Injured in Gaza

Surfside Hero, Col. Golan Vach, Injured in Gaza

Federation and Jewish Miami are sending blessings of refuah shlemah (get well wishes) to local hero Col. (res.) Golan Vach who was recently injured in a tunnel collapse in Gaza as he was preparing it for demolition.

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Supporting Israel’s Displaced Children

Supporting Israel’s Displaced Children

Supported by Federation and our partners and developed by Habaita (Homeward), the six-week program for fourth- through 12th-grade students welcomed students from the western Negev, allowing them to reconnect with their schoolmates and teachers, engage in both studies and recreation — and just be kids again!

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Sunset Over Miami Is September 25

Sunset Over Miami Is September 25

Presented by the Federation’s Real Estate Division, the event invites architects, attorneys, brokers, builders, contractors, developers, lenders and professionals affiliated with these trades to a chic cocktail reception in the heart of Miami’s Design District.

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