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Jan 30, 2010

Federation's Attorneys' Division Hosts 26th Annual Judicial Reception

The Attorneys’ Division of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation will recognize the accomplishments of Judge Paul C. Huck, Judge Scott J. Silverman and attorney Donald I. Bierman at its 26th Annual Judicial Reception, Tuesday, March 23, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Hilton Miami Downtown, 1601 Biscayne Boulevard.

Silverman, a Circuit Court judge, will receive the 2010 Community Service Award. Huck, a U.S. District Court judge, will garner the 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award. Bierman, a veteran litigator and community activist, will receive the 2010 Theodore “Ted” Klein Special Recognition Award.

The Judicial Reception is a major social event in the legal community, attracting hundreds of South Florida’s most prominent attorneys and judges each year.

The Annual Judicial Reception is being chaired by Michael J. Higer. Jeffrey B. Kaplan is event Vice Chair. Lisa K. Berg is the Attorneys’ Division Chair and Sol Genet and Adam D. Mait are the Attorneys’ Network Co-Chairs.

The charge for the cocktail reception is $75 per person. Kosher dietary laws will be observed, and there will be no solicitation of funds. For reservations and more information, please contact [email protected] or 786.866.8627.

About the Honorees

Judge Paul C. Huck was nominated for the Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his professionalism, his commitment to excellence in the law and his desire to share his knowledge, both as a litigator with 36 years of experience and as a judge who was appointed to the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida by President William J. Clinton in May 2000. Prior to becoming a judge, Huck served as a mentor to the University of Miami’s Professional Opportunities Program, and taught in UM’s litigation skills program from 1984 to 2000. As a judge, he conducts the Federal Court Observer program, which is designed to allow law students an opportunity to see the court in action.

Judge Scott J. Silverman is being recognized for his for his devotion to the community and tireless work to bring positive attention to the court systems through leadership, scholarship, and public service. His service is demonstrated through his exceptional work as the former Chairman of the Florida Supreme Court’s Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee, as the 11th Judicial Circuit Court Historian and through years of service as a county and circuit court judge.

Donald I. Bierman was chosen to receive the 2010 Theodore “Ted” Klein Special Recognition Award in acknowledgment of his influence on the practice of law and his commitment to serving others in the community. He concentrates his practice in white-collar criminal defense and has been active in the Criminal Defense Bar since leaving the U.S. Attorney’s Office in 1970. Active for many years in the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Bierman served in the 1980s as President of the Alexander Muss High School in Israel. He has been a longtime supporter of interfaith and interracial dialogue, and chaired the Miami-Dade Community Relations Board and the Miami Conference of Christians and Jews.

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