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Jul 31, 2024

Federation Partners Team Up to Help Pregnant Women Safely Deliver During War

As conflict continues to escalate in the north of Israel, Federation partners Magen David Adom and the Israel Midwives Organization have created a new initiative to prepare healthcare professionals to deliver babies, in case pregnant women are unable to reach a hospital in time due to rocket fire. Supported by the Israel Emergency Fund, for which Federation raised nearly $30 million, First Contractions are mapping all northern communities where there are pregnant women, to connect them with midwives who have recently received the critical tools and training for safe out-of-hospital deliveries. The program will also encourage pregnant women to get to know their local midwives, alleviating some of their anxiety about giving birth under exceptional circumstances. Efforts are currently focused on women from the Western and Northern Galilee and Golan Heights and are expected to expand throughout the country.

Federation Assisting in Emergency Preparedness Plans for Residents in Northern Israel

Federation Assisting in Emergency Preparedness Plans for Residents in Northern Israel

In response to ongoing Hezbollah rocket attacks, Federation partners the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and United Hatzalah of Israel are addressing disaster readiness across 15 towns in northern Israel.

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BeWell Miami Supports Jewish College Students

BeWell Miami Supports Jewish College Students

Earlier this summer, Remy Gordon joined the BeWell Miami team as the Hillel Therapist and Wellness Professional, serving both FIU and UM Hillels, and her presence is already making an impact.

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Free High Holiday Seats

Free High Holiday Seats

Our High Holiday Welcome Program offers unaffiliated individuals and families in Miami-Dade County free seats to holiday services.

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Israeli Teens Spend Time at US Sleepaway Camps

Israeli Teens Spend Time at US Sleepaway Camps

This summer, hundreds of Israeli teens from Gaza border communities attended summer camp in the US, thanks to Campers2Gether, a program of Federation overseas partner The Jewish Agency for Israel.

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