The Sacred Jewish Conversation Application


Directions: We are particularly interested in both your reasons to join the program and the skills you might bring to your work, so please fill out this form completely. Once we have a fully completed application, we will contact you to schedule an interview with us.

Contact Information

Skills and Experience

Please describe your experience as a facilitator or leader of groups either in your work or as a volunteer. If you have not run groups, please describe any skills that can apply to running a group.

Previous Volunteer Experience

Please describe previous volunteer experience.


Please include the name(s), relationship(s) and contact information for at least one reference.

Jewish Congregational Affiliations

Please list any affiliations and memberships in a synagogue or temple in Miami area. Please note if you are an officer, board member, or committee chair. Please indicate if you are on a Caring Community or Chesed or Bikkur Cholim Committee. If you aren't, would you like to serve on that committee?

Jewish Community Affiliations

Please list any affiliations and memberships such as Jewish community centers, Jewish Federation etc.

Criminal Background

Have you ever been charged or convicted of a criminal offense? If so, please explain.


Brief Statement

In one paragraph, please explain your personal goals for participating in this program. What do you hope to learn from this experience or what do you hope to be able to offer to others?

Please describe how you would like to share the Sacred Jewish Conversation Training with others.

What is the demographic or clientele that you hope to reach?

Statement of Commitment

I understand that if I am accepted to the program, I commit myself to attending the one full day Training Program on September 15, 2019 in its entirety. If I can do so, I will also attend all other 2019 training sessions, either in person or by zoom meeting.

Please check one (or both, if it applies):

By submitting this form, I attest that the information I have provided on the form is true and accurate, and I agree to the stated terms.

What are the best days and times for an interview?

* Required information

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