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News From the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Amigour Elderly Receives Extended Care

Amigour Elderly Receives Extended Care

Amigour, a longtime Federation partner that provides affordable housing and social services to older Israelis, has extended extra care and services to its residents due to the war. Of the approximately 7,500 clients, many of whom are Holocaust Survivors, 5,000 live in housing developments in the south and other war-impacted regions.
Save the Date for Give Miami Day: Thursday, November 21

Save the Date for Give Miami Day: Thursday, November 21

When you contribute to the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation Campaign on Give Miami Day, your generosity goes even further. That’s because every donation between $25 and $10,000, including a new pledge or payment on an existing pledge, is eligible for an additional donation from The Miami Foundation.
Learn the Art of Spiritual Care With Mishkan Miami

Learn the Art of Spiritual Care With Mishkan Miami

Federation’s Mishkan Miami: The Jewish Connection for Spiritual Support is seeking compassionate individuals who want to make a difference in the lives of others. The Refuat Ha-Nefesh Spiritual Care Program is a unique group of volunteers who will be trained in the mitzvah of bikur cholim (visiting the sick) and learn the art of spiritual care.
Holocaust Education Week Begins November 4

Holocaust Education Week Begins November 4

Holocaust Education Week, presented by Federation’s Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, begins November 4, and culminates with a community commemoration of Kristallnacht on November 10.
Your Election Resource: JCRC’s Election Toolkit

Your Election Resource: JCRC’s Election Toolkit

The general election is fast approaching and JCRC’s Election Toolkit aims to educate, engage and inform voters in Miami-Dade County. The document includes guidelines for mail-in voting and early voting. Tomorrow, October 24, is the last day to request a mail-in ballot.
Beit Issie Extends Their Reach

Beit Issie Extends Their Reach

For the past year, Beit Issie Shapiro has been expanding its work to help Israelis with disabilities cope with ongoing trauma as a result of the horrors of October 7. Through Federation's Israel Emergency Fund, Beit Issie has been welcoming families from Israel’s north and south into their Ra’anana facility for therapy services free of charge, including private and group therapy and access to the sensory room, sports center and indoor heated pool.
Register Now for Everything but the Turkey

Register Now for Everything but the Turkey

Give back this Thanksgiving holiday by participating in the 16th Annual Everything but the Turkey, hosted by Federation’s Jewish Volunteer Center (JVC) in North Dade on Sunday, November 10, 11 a.m., and South Dade on Sunday, November 17, 2 p.m.
Your Savings, Your Legacy With The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Your Savings, Your Legacy With The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

“You saved and saved. Now use your savings to create your Jewish legacy,” says Federation Past President and Board member Michael Scheck. Along with his wife, Federation Board member and Past Women's Philanthropy President, Raquel, Michael funds their Federation donation through an IRA charitable rollover.
Ukrainians Find Joy in the Sukkah

Ukrainians Find Joy in the Sukkah

Last week, a number of Federation-supported JCCs and Hesed social welfare centers in Ukraine ensured the local Jewish population had a vibrant and meaningful Sukkot, despite the war that has been gripping the nation for more than two years.
Federation and Partners Sending Medical Equipment to Northern Israel

Federation and Partners Sending Medical Equipment to Northern Israel

With northern Israel under constant rocket attacks, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation recently distributed an additional 40 pallets of lifesaving medical equipment to 37 area municipalities. Through the Annual Federation Campaign, advanced life support EMS kits and stretchers were delivered as part of our wide-ranging post-October 7 emergency response to assist hundreds of thousands of Israelis.
Hillel Campus4All Educates and Empowers Jewish College Students

Hillel Campus4All Educates and Empowers Jewish College Students

Hillel International, a Federation partner, is encouraging college students to stand up against antisemitism, discrimination and misinformation through its new online resource Campus4All.
Kristallnacht Commemoration To Be Held On November 10

Kristallnacht Commemoration To Be Held On November 10

Join Jewish Miami for the communitywide commemoration of Kristallnacht, “the Night of Broken Glass,” on Sunday, November 10 at 6 p.m. at Temple Israel of Greater Miami. The Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach, a Committee of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, will present the testimony of a 100-year-old eyewitness to the Shoah in a program that pays tribute to the victims of the Holocaust and honors the resilience of Survivors.
One Year Later: Federation Group Visits Israel

One Year Later: Federation Group Visits Israel

A group of nine leaders from the Greater Miami Jewish Federation recently traveled to Israel to be present for the one-year anniversary of the October 7 terrorist attacks.
Disability Awareness Month Begins Next Week

Disability Awareness Month Begins Next Week

October is Disability Awareness Month and the Miami Jewish Abilities Alliance (MJAA), a Federation program, is continuing to raise awareness around disability access and advocacy. The MJAA website provides a unique and comprehensive guide on everything from advocating for a child with a learning disability to navigating their transition into adulthood.
Help Victims of Hurricane Milton

Help Victims of Hurricane Milton

Your donations to the Annual Campaign enable Federation to support Wings, a program that cares for IDF lone soldiers, an effort that has become even more critical as the war reaches its one-year mark and extends into northern Israel.
Jewish Miami Remembers October 7

Jewish Miami Remembers October 7

Close to 1,400 friends of Israel gathered at Temple Beth Sholom on Monday for Miami Remembers October 7 to memorialize the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust. Community cantors performed prayers and songs and Holocaust Survivors lit yahrzeit candles for the 17 communities decimated by Hamas massacres on October 7.
Saul Schottenstein Foundation Helps Vulnerable Individuals Enjoy the High Holidays

Saul Schottenstein Foundation Helps Vulnerable Individuals Enjoy the High Holidays

Committed to the power of tikkun olam (repairing the world), Saul Schottenstein, z"l, demonstrated his devotion to Jewish Miami by creating a lasting legacy that has helped thousands of individuals and families in the community facing food insufficiency.
Federation Allocates More Funds to Support Post-October 7 Needs

Federation Allocates More Funds to Support Post-October 7 Needs

As missiles continue to rain down on Israel from all directions, Federation recently approved additional Israel Emergency Fund (IEF) grants, with allocations now totaling nearly $2.7 million for programs supporting our key priorities following October 7.
Federation Allocates More Funds to Support Post-October 7 Needs

Federation Allocates More Funds to Support Post-October 7 Needs

As the war in northern Israel significantly escalates, the national Federation system has allocated $43 million in emergency grants to meet the critical needs of these communities. This increased funding is in addition to the more than $32 million that has already been distributed to support these at-risk populations in the months they have been under attack and evacuated from their homes.
Join Us to Mark One Year Since October 7

Join Us to Mark One Year Since October 7

Stand with your Jewish community on October 7 at Temple Beth Sholom in Miami Beach to commemorate the one-year anniversary of Hamas’ horrific attacks on Israel.
YLD Masquerade Ball: A Soaring Success

YLD Masquerade Ball: A Soaring Success

The future of Jewish Miami is bright! A sold-out crowd of more than 500 guests packed the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center for the Third Annual Masquerade Ball.

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Supporting Returning Hostages and Their Families

Supporting Returning Hostages and Their Families

As the freed hostages settle back into life at home and begin their long road to recovery, Federation is providing critical assistance to released individuals and their families through the Fund for Victims of Terror (FVOT).

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Federation Purchases Eight Defibrillators for Yerucham

Federation Purchases Eight Defibrillators for Yerucham

Federation has purchased eight public-access defibrillators for our partnership city of Yerucham, helping locals immediately respond to those experiencing a cardiac event.

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Helping Ukraine’s Jews During the War

Helping Ukraine’s Jews During the War

February 24 marked three years since Russia invaded Ukraine, and Federation is continuing our steadfast support of tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews who are depending on our help.

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