North Dade Branch

Where in the Greater Miami area can you find neighbors speaking Hebrew, Spanish, Russian and Yiddish? Where can you enjoy the benefits of living close to synagogues of all denominations, along with Jewish day schools, kosher restaurants and markets and the outstanding Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center (MARJCC)? Only in northeastern Miami-Dade County — home to one of the country’s most densely populated Jewish communities.
With offices at the MARJCC, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation North Dade Branch plays an active role in this diverse community. Working with local synagogues and partner agencies, as well as other Federation divisions, we offer a variety of programs and activities that match your interests. You can meet people, explore new ideas and have fun. You also have the opportunity to make a difference in the world by helping to raise funds for the Annual Federation/UJA Campaign.
Occasionally, the North Dade Branch offers “mini-missions” that enable you to see firsthand how Federation-funded programs are helping people in need in our local community. Our missions to Israel also provide a behind-the-scenes view of our spiritual homeland as you travel with other families and friends on a journey like none you have ever experienced.
Whether you’re interested in social activities, leadership training, volunteer and advocacy opportunities, or the latest info on special mitzvah projects, you’ll find it here. All in your own backyard. And all at your fingertips. Join us today!
For more information, contact us at [email protected] or 305.705.0800.
Visit the North Dade Branch Online Group.