Aug 18, 2021
Volunteer at the Kosher Food Distribution Drive-Thru

Calling all volunteers: Federation’s Jewish Volunteer Center (JVC) needs your help at our next Free Kosher Food Distribution Drive-Thru, taking place Thursday, August 26 at Federation Headquarters, 4200 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami. For more than a year, Federation has been supporting members of our community facing food insecurity due to the pandemic with bi-weekly, COVID-19 safe food distribution events. Participants will receive fresh produce, challah, kosher meat, non-perishables and a few special treats to enhance Rosh Hashanah celebrations. This no-contact, hands-on volunteer opportunity follows all CDC guidelines. Items are placed into the trunks of participants’ cars. Click here to volunteer or contact Lori Tabachnikoff, JVC Director at [email protected]. Partners include Federation’s JVC, our primary human service agency Jewish Community Services of South Florida, Repair the World Miami, Farm Share and Miami-Dade County. Additionally, we are grateful to a number of generous donors for their support, whose loyalty allows us to continue our work.