Recitation of Mi Sheberach and Psalms

The power of prayers links us not only to God, but to one another. Especially during this critical time, we are all in need of prayers. In times of joy or sadness, peace or war, tranquility or crisis, Jews have historically accessed the power of Tehillim/Psalms to help express their deepest feelings. Similarly, the Mi Sheberach prayer has been recited for those of us in need of healing.


Mi Sheberach List: If you or a loved one is suffering from COVID-19, another illness, or could just use some strength, please click here and enter your information. The list will be distributed to groups who are saying Tehillim (Psalms) on your behalf. From the time you sign up, your name will remain on the list for one month; thereafter you will need to renew it. If you would like to remain anonymous, please enter only your Hebrew name. You may submit as many names as you would like. This list will be circulated to area synagogues and will be used twice a week in Mishkan Miami Tehillim/Psalm readings.

Reading Tehillim/Psalms: If you would like to say Tehillim/Psalms on behalf of others, please join us for 15 minutes on Monday and Thursdays at 6 PM by phone as we pray for those who are ill. Rabbi Solomon Schiff will lead us in prayer.

CALL 1.800.222.3589. Then enter the conference bridge #618. Finally, when a code is requested press 2482. We will recite Psalms 120, 127 and 130 with brief explanations, followed by the recitation of Mi Sheberach, the prayer for healing.

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