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News From the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Miami Yerucham Partnership Grants Now Being Accepted

Miami Yerucham Partnership Grants Now Being Accepted

Do you have an idea for a meaningful Miami-Yerucham Partnership project that will bring members of the two communities together? Proposals are now being accepted for the 2025-2026 grant year. Since the Partnership’s creation in 2007, residents of all ages from Miami and Yerucham have engaged in a wide range of educational, cultural and social projects and events that help participants learn about life in the other community and explore common goals.
Register Now for YLD’s 3rd Annual Masquerade Ball Fundraiser

Register Now for YLD’s 3rd Annual Masquerade Ball Fundraiser

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation Young Leadership Division (YLD) is hosting its Third Annual Masquerade Ball Fundraiser on Saturday, March 1. Chaired by Isaac and Eliana Mizrahi, the evening will bring together Jewish Miami’s next generation of leaders. Come ready for a night of dancing and giving back to the community.
Jewish Federations Respond to the Hostage Release and Ceasefire Agreement

Jewish Federations Respond to the Hostage Release and Ceasefire Agreement

Jewish Federations welcome news of a deal to release dozens of hostages, create a framework for releasing all the hostages, and allow Israel a path forward to protect the safety and security of its citizens
Women’s Amutot Initiative Grantees Announced

Women’s Amutot Initiative Grantees Announced

This year’s Women’s Amutot Initiative (WAI) grant recipients received more than $350,000, reflecting Federation’s unwavering commitment to champion marginalized female populations across Israel.
Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach Unites With 3GMiami

Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach Unites With 3GMiami

In the face of staggering antisemitism, sharing the lessons of the Holocaust with new generations is critical, which is why the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach has united with 3GMiami.
Be a Part of the Jewish Community’s Response to the Southern California Wildfires

Be a Part of the Jewish Community’s Response to the Southern California Wildfires

As part of a Jewish response to the devastating wildfires in southern California and the human tragedy that is unfolding, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation is collecting donations to provide support and relief to fire victims and their families.
Rehabilitating Southern Israel’s Youth Through Creative Informal Educatio

Rehabilitating Southern Israel’s Youth Through Creative Informal Educatio

Federation continues to prioritize the wellbeing and resilience of teens and young adults in southern Israel. Through the Israel Emergency Fund, Federation is supporting the renovation and revival of the Shikma Educational Institution, an informal framework helping to encourage the next generation of leaders by instilling values of responsibility, leadership and unity through creative work in small group settings.
Join a Solidarity Mission to Rebuild Israel's South

Join a Solidarity Mission to Rebuild Israel's South

Join the Miami cohort helping to rebuild Gaza border communities on a solidarity mission to Israel, March 23-30. A group of Miamians, ages 21 and older, will spend eight days working alongside professional builders to help revitalize Israel’s war-torn south. The mission is facilitated by the nonprofit Livnot U’Lehibanot (To Build and Be Built), which, since October 7, has completed more than 250 restoration projects throughout communities and army bases on the Gaza border.
Women’s Impact Initiative Celebrates 10 Years of Grant-Making

Women’s Impact Initiative Celebrates 10 Years of Grant-Making

The Women's Impact Initiative (WII) Committee recently announced the grantees for the 2024-2025 fiscal year with nine local organizations receiving a total of $80,000 to provide opportunities for Jewish Miami’s women and girls to achieve social, economic, religious and political equality.
Get Ready for the 28th Annual Miami Jewish Film Festival

Get Ready for the 28th Annual Miami Jewish Film Festival

With 15 cinema-filled days, 130+ film premieres, 80+ exclusive virtual showings and a whole lot more, the 28th Annual Miami Jewish Film Festival (MJFF) has something for everyone! Celebrated as the largest Jewish film festival in the world, MJFF runs January 9-23, with the kickoff taking place at the iconic Miami Beach Bandshell outdoor amphitheater before expanding to eight additional venues across Greater Miami.
Hillels of Florida Receive the 2024 Innovation Award

Hillels of Florida Receive the 2024 Innovation Award

The Federation-funded Hillels of Florida received the 2024 Innovation Award at the recent Hillel International Global Assembly (HIGA) in Boston. The HIGA honor recognizes bold and creative efforts that beneficially impact college students.
Helping Israeli War Victims Return to Work

Helping Israeli War Victims Return to Work

With Israeli industries severely impacted by the October 7 attacks, Federation is helping unemployed Israelis return to the workplace through rehabilitation and reskilling. We are helping both employers and the jobless from the construction, tourism and agriculture industries rebuild their businesses and lives.
Mishkan Miami Offers Online Resources for the Bereaved

Mishkan Miami Offers Online Resources for the Bereaved

Losing a beloved family member or friend can be one of life’s greatest challenges, which is why Federation’s Mishkan Miami offers valuable resources online to help mourners throughout the grieving process.
One Happy Camper® Offering Grants to First-Time Jewish Overnight Summer Campers

One Happy Camper® Offering Grants to First-Time Jewish Overnight Summer Campers

One Happy Camper®, a Federation-funded program, is offering grants to campers wishing to attend Jewish overnight summer camp for the first time. In partnership with the Foundation for Jewish Camp and Jewish overnight camps across North America, Federation provides need-blind grants of up to $1,000 to families with first-time campers attending nonprofit, mission-driven Jewish overnight summer camps.
Increase your Federation Support with a Year-End Donation

Increase your Federation Support with a Year-End Donation

Don't miss the opportunity to donate to the Annual Federation Campaign before the end of the year! Show your support of Israel and help confront the rising tide of antisemitism around the world.
Kosher Food Bank Clients Receive Extra Assistance for a Bright Chanukah

Kosher Food Bank Clients Receive Extra Assistance for a Bright Chanukah

In advance of the first night of Chanukah, clients of Jewish Community Services of South Florida Kosher Food Bank (KFB) are receiving grocery gift cards along with their regular food packages, allowing them to add something special to their holiday celebrations.
Miami Leaders Stand Strong Against Antisemitism at Annual Press Conference

Miami Leaders Stand Strong Against Antisemitism at Annual Press Conference

Twenty-one Miami-area mayors, vice mayors and community leaders attended the 3rd Annual Standing Strong Together Against Antisemitism Press Conference, hosted by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation's Jewish Community Relations Council.
A Unique Federation-Funded Program is Helping Keep Survivors of Domestic Violence Safe

A Unique Federation-Funded Program is Helping Keep Survivors of Domestic Violence Safe

A Federation Women’s Amutot Initiative grantee is addressing the increase in domestic violence in Israel since October 7 with a special canine protection program. Dedicated to combating violence against women, the Michal Sela Forum responded to the 65 percent rise in incidents since the war began by providing guard dogs to survivors of domestic violence.
Friendship Campus Opens in South Dade

Friendship Campus Opens in South Dade

The Friendship Circle has a beautiful new home in South Dade, following the grand opening of the Friendship Campus earlier this month. More than 1,000 members of the community, including many elected officials, attended the opening ceremony on the new 20,000-square-foot campus, now home to both the Friendship Circle and Chabad Center of Kendall/Pinecrest.
Apply Now to Birthright Onward Israel

Apply Now to Birthright Onward Israel

Birthright Israel Onward is your chance to spend eight weeks this summer living like a local and immersing yourself in contemporary Israeli life, while building your resume, gaining professional experience and exploring everything Israel has to offer.
Jewish Federations Respond to the Hostage Release and Ceasefire Agreement

Jewish Federations Respond to the Hostage Release and Ceasefire Agreement

On Wednesday, January 15, the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) released a statement regarding the news of a hostage release and ceasefire agreement. Read the complete JFNA statement here.

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Plan to Attend YLD’s Annual Masquerade Ball

Plan to Attend YLD’s Annual Masquerade Ball

Chaired by Isaac and Eliana Mizrahi, the Saturday March 1 event will bring together Jewish Miami’s next gen leaders.

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Championing Marginalized Women in Israel

Championing Marginalized Women in Israel

This year’s Women’s Amutot Initiative grant recipients received more than $350,000, reflecting Federation’s unwavering commitment to champion marginalized female populations across Israel.

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Miami-Yerucham Partnership Grants

Miami-Yerucham Partnership Grants

Do you have an idea for a meaningful Miami-Yerucham Partnership project that will bring members of the two communities together? Proposals are now being accepted for the 2025-2026 grant year.

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