Greater Miami Jewish Federation Partner Agencies, Programs and Services

Your one donation to the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign funds more than 160 life-saving programs and services at work every day in our community, in Israel and across the globe. To learn more, click on each of the highlighted names below.

Local Agencies and Services

Jewish Education

3G Miami
Antisemitism Programs
Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE)
Day Schools
  Day School Strategic Investments
  Hebrew Academy (RASG)
  Hochberg Lower School Posnack East
  Innovative School of Temple Beth Sholom
  KLODA Whitebook Kesher Academy
  Lehrman Community Day School
  Mechina of South Florida High School
  Rambam Day School Temple Beth Am
  Scheck Hillel Community School
  The Gordon School of Beth David Congregation
  Yeshiva Elementary/Middle School
  Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Fuente Latina
Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach
Holocaust Memorial - Target Grants
Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU
Sue & Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies at the University of Miami
Synagogue School Supplemental Scholarship Program
Teacher Fringe Benefits Programs

Jewish Identity

Alexander Muss High School in Israel
Base Miami
Camp Yofi of Camp Ramah Darom
Community Shaliach
Alper JCC Miami on The Jay Morton-Levinthal Campus
Florida Hillels (Central Florida Hillel, Hillel at FIU,  Hillel at FSU, Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach, Hillels of the Florida Suncoast, UF Hillel, UM Hillel)
Galbut Family Miami Beach Jewish Community Center on the Simkins Family Campus
High Holiday Welcome Program of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Honeymoon Israel
Israel Now
Israel Programs Scholarships
K Space
Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center (MARJCC) on the Sanford L. Ziff Campus
Moishe House Miami
One Happy Camper
Onward Israel
Overnight Camp Scholarships
PJ Library
Taglit-Birthright Israel
The Tribe
Tzofim (Israeli Scouts) - Shevet Barak

Social, Health and Human Services

College Scholarships (Sylvia Tuman Fund) 
Friendship Circle - Miami
Friendship Circle - Miami Beach/North Dade
Hebrew Free Loan Association of South Florida
Helping Hands Kosher Food Ko-op
Holocaust Survivors Program
Jewish Adoption and Family Care Options (JAFCO)
Jewish Community Services of South Florida (JCS)
Jewish Volunteer Center of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation (JVC)
JWorks Miami
Kosher Food Distribution
Miami Jewish Health
Mishkan Miami: The Jewish Connection for Spiritual Support
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Repair the World
Special Needs Initiative
Youth Mental Health Initiative

Jewish Incubator Grants

Chai Lifeline
Childrens Bereavement Center
Friendship Circle of Miami Beach and North Dade
JAFCO Children's Ability Center
Jems Academy
L'Chaim Jewish Hospice Service
SAMi Sephardic American Mizrahi Initiative
Sharsheret: The Jewish Breast & Ovarian Cancer Community
Temple Sinai of North Dade
Tzofim (Israeli Scouts) - Shevet Barak
University of Miami Hillel
Welcome Moshiach- The Center

Women's Impact Initiative Grants

Chai Lifeline
Hillel at FIU
Jewish Adoption and Family Care Options (JAFCO)
Jewish Education Center of South Florida
Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center (MARJCC) on the Sanford L. Ziff Campus
Nicklaus Children's Hospital Foundation
Organization for Resolution of Agunot (ORA)
University of Miami Hillel
Yotzer Ohr Academy of Torah and Art for Girls

Community Organization and Central Services

Agency Executives Retirement Plan
Audit and Accounting Fees for Local Agencies
Building Services
Contingency Reserve
Demographic Study
Elevate Leadership
Greater Miami Jewish Federation Community Services, Planning & Allocations, Community Security, Administration, Human Resources Development, Outreach Services, etc.
Jewish Community Relations Council of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

National Programs and Services

70 Faces Media
A Wider Bridge
American Jewish Committee
Anti-Defamation League
Benjamin Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program at Brandeis University
Contingency Reserve
Foundation for Jewish Camp
Hebrew Union College School of Jewish Communal Service
Hillel International
Israel Action Network
Jewish Community Centers Association of North America
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Jewish Educational Loan Fund (JELF)
Jewish Labor Committee
Jewish War Veterans of the USA
JPRO Network
Moishe House
National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL)
NCSEJ: National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry
Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains
OpenDor Media
Orthodox Union
Project Interchange, an Institute of the American Jewish Committee
The Network of Jewish Human Services
Union for Reform Judaism
United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism
Wurzweiler School of Social Work at Yeshiva University

Israel and Overseas Programs and Services

Global Partnership: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, The Jewish Agency for Israel, the Jewish Federations of North America, World ORT 

Argentina Welfare & Relief
Beit Issie Shapiro
Beit Singer
Elderly Welfare in the Former Soviet Union
Ethiopian Aliyah
Ethiopian National Project
Fund for Victims of Terror
Israel and Overseas Department
Israel Trauma Coalition
Latin America Welfare & Relief
Magen David Adom
Masa Israel Journey
Miami-Yerucham Partnership2Gether
Negev Funding Coalition
Special Needs Organizations
United Hatzalah
Venezuela Welfare & Relief
World ORT
Yad Sarah

Ethiopian-Israeli Initiative

Yemin Orde Youth Village 

Nutritional Support
Keren Tzedaka Yeshivat Hesder Yerucham 

South Florida Legislators in Israel

South Florida Legislators in Israel

Last month, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Jewish Federation of Broward County, and Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County participated in the first-ever South Florida Legislators Mission to Israel.

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Providing Lifeline Services to Israelis Since 10/7

Providing Lifeline Services to Israelis Since 10/7

Our IEF has been helping Israelis with housing solutions, cash for essentials, transportation, clothing and other critical care; formula and diapers for infants; hygiene products for female soldiers; pastoral care, funerals and shiva/mourning support; safe places to stay; education and day care for evacuated children and more.

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Connecting Israelis Near and Far

Connecting Israelis Near and Far

The Wynwood-Israeli MH, led by three Israeli-American, is the first to not only connect young adults to the land of Israel but also with the people themselves, infusing Miami’s diversity into its hosted events and the surrounding neighborhoods.

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AMIA Bombing 30th Anniversary Commemoration

AMIA Bombing 30th Anniversary Commemoration

Commemorate the 30th anniversary of the AMIA Jewish Community Center bombing in Argentina on Thursday July 25 at 7 p.m. at the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center (ATJC).

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