Mishkan Miami’s Guide for a Cemetery Visit

How can you make it meanginful for yourself and those around you when you visit a family member or friend's grave? Jewish tradition encourages cemetery visits, because you not only honor those who are no longer with us, but you consider the meaning of your own life.
Here is a small guide with a suggested program, rituals, and readings — both traditional and contemporary. The program can also be used for an unveiling ceremony with family members. Considering how you will use your time there, whether alone or with a group, will make your visit more meaningful.

CLICK HERE to download the guide.

If you have not visited a cemetery in thirty days, here is the traditional blessing.

Prayer upon Entering a Cemetery 

Baruch ata Adonai Elo-henu melech ha-olam asher yatzar etchem badin,
ve-zan ve-chilkel etchem badin, ve-hemit etchem badin,
ve-yode’ah mispar kulchem badin, ve-hu atid lehachayotchem ulekayem
etchem badin. Baruch ata Adonai-mechayeh haemetim.

Blessed are you Adonai, Our G-d, King of the Universe,
Who fashioned you with justice, nourished and sustained you with justice,
took your lives with justice, and knows the sum total of you all with justice,
and He will restore and resuscitate you with justice.
Blessed are you Adonai, Who resuscitates the dead

Miami Students Visit Yerucham

Miami Students Visit Yerucham

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Be Jewish Miami Proud Forever

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No One Should Grieve Alone

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Come together on Thursday, April 3 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus for an encouraging and compelling gathering that will help you find hope and healing after loss.

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