At Work Worldwide

Whether you live in Miami or Morocco … in Tel Aviv or Turkey… in Vancouver or Venezuela, if you are Jewish, you are part of a global family. As our tradition teaches, “all Jews are responsible for one another,” the Greater Miami Jewish Federation works every day to provide for the needs of our people the world over.
Read about our overseas partner agencies and how they enable Federation to fulfill our commitment in Israel and in more than 70 other countries worldwide.
At Work in Israel
Israel is at the heart of the Jewish people. Caring for the most vulnerable Israelis — including children and youth at risk, people with disabilities, the elderly, minorities and immigrant groups — is core to Federation’s Mission of strengthening Jewish life. It is also central to the work of our long-time overseas partners, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and The Jewish Agency for Israel, and World ORT. The extensive infrastructure we have established through decades of work in Israel enables us to respond to needs efficiently and effectively 365 days a year.
Miami has a long-standing partnership with Yerucham in the Negev. Read more about the Miami-Yerucham Partnership here. Working closely with JDC and The Jewish Agency for Israel, and also directly with Israeli non-profit agencies, Federation is changing the lives of countless Israeli immigrants by helping them adapt to a new life — assisting in times of crisis and so much more.
The impact of a Federation gift last year:
- More than 70,000 elderly are able to live at home with dignity and independence through support services and social activities in more than 330 funded (supportive) communities.
- 96 youth at-risk and their families in Yerucham received support through the Youth Futures program and more than 12,000 children received support throughout Israel.
- Enabled 130 families with children with disabilities to receive subsidies for treatments and services.
- Helped 55 ultra-Orthodox women from low-income backgrounds launch small businesses. Some of the types of businesses: handicrafts, coaching, catering, cosmetics and fashion.
- Rescued 63.9 million pounds of 60 types of fresh fruits and vegetables which were redistributed through 265 partner nonprofit organizations supporting 234,000 nutritionally insecure recipients per week in over 100 towns and cities.
- More than 1,200 Ethiopian-Israelis received legal counsel on matters related to discrimination in the areas of employment, education, health, housing and law enforcement.
- 7,000 older adults, most of which approximately 35 percent are Holocaust Survivors, live in 57 sheltered living complexes that also offer social and cultural activities.
Learn about our Miami-Israel Partnership Cities.
Learn about our Israel Initiatives.
Learn about our work in Miami.
For further information, contact our Israel and Overseas Department at [email protected] or 786.866.8445.
At Work Overseas
For decades, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation has been committed to the welfare of our people worldwide and ensuring that isolated Jews are not forgotten. In the former Soviet Union (FSU), throughout Latin America, Europe and in more than 70 countries around the world, Annual Federation/UJA Campaign dollars have supported programs and services that both care for vulnerable aging populations and foster Jewish renewal among younger generations. We are working each day to help strengthen Jewish communities around the world through our overseas partners, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), The Jewish Agency for Israel and World ORT. Despite the challenges we are facing domestically, Federation continues to uphold our promise of responsibility to one another.
The impact of a Federation gift last year:
- In the former Soviet Union, 76,000 needy and elderly Jews received a variety of welfare and relief supplies and services.
Many communities worldwide joined programs led by 2,000 shlichim (Israeli emissaries), including 85 community shlichim working in 425 Jewish institutions, 95 Israel fellows supporting Jewish life in 100 college campuses, 216 shinshinim (service-year shlichim) working in 58 communities, 1,503 short-term shlichim leading meaningful Jewish and Israel-focused programing in 158 summer camps in North America and 230 shlichim operating in various institutions in the former Soviet Union.
5,625 youth participated in Jewish summer and winter camps in the former Soviet Union, which serve as a gateway to Jewish life, directly operated and/or supported by The Jewish Agency for Israel.
368 needy families living the Argentinian provinces were able to buy food and pay their rent and 513 newly poor families received emergency support.