Mishkan Miami Leadership Council
The Mishkan Miami Leadership Council oversees Mishkan Miami: The Jewish Connection for Spiritual Support, a program of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. The program employs experienced chaplains who work closely with communal clergy and highly committed volunteers. The program provides pastoral care in hospitals and managed care facilities to some of the most vulnerable in the community. In addition, the program organizes volunteer training in spiritual care and convenes numerous conferences for community professionals, including social workers, clergy and health care professionals. The program collaborates with the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami and numerous other local and national organizations to bring help and healing wherever it is most needed. "We can’t always stop the suffering, but we can provide care, concern and love to help each person face his or her challenges."
The major areas of activity include Campaign; Cultivation of New Leadership; Community Outreach and Awareness; Synagogue and Agency Partnership; and Creating a Greater Sense of Jewish Community.