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Conversational Yiddish Course

When: July 8, 2024 10:30 AM to August 5, 2024 12:00 PM
Where: 16820 NE 6 Court
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Organizer: Menachem Smith
Contact: Menachem Smith at [email protected] ((954) 458-6000)
Cost: $60 (Early Bird Sign-up for $50) Scholarships are available
Summary: A 5-session Conversational Yiddish Course on Zoom starting Monday, July 8th. Sign up at JewishRetiree.com or call (954) 458-6000. The course is limited to 30 participants. $50 Early-Bird Price and scholarships are available. Sign up today.
2024-07-08 10:30:00 2024-08-05 12:00:00 America/New_York Conversational Yiddish Course A 5-session Conversational Yiddish Course on Zoom starting Monday, July 8th. Sign up at JewishRetiree.com or call (954) 458-6000. The course is limited to 30 participants. $50 Early-Bird Price and scholarships are available. Sign up today. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/conversational_yiddish_course) North Miami Beach,FL Menachem Smith [email protected]

Event Details


For many elderly Jews, Yiddish connects them to the rich tapestry of Yiddish literature, music, and theater. Engaging in conversations or listening to Yiddish songs and stories allows seniors to relive their past, and ensure that their cultural heritage endures.

Engaging with the language of one's youth has been shown to have several psychological benefits for seniors. It can enhance cognitive function, as using multiple languages helps keep the brain active and engaged. Moreover, it provides a sense of purpose and belonging, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation that are common in older age.

Consider joining a fun conversational Yiddish course for your emotional well-being, memory health, and brain stimulation. The comfort of familiar words and phrases offers a timeless solace. United Jewish Generations, a Chabad organization for retirees and seniors, is offering a 5 session Conversational Yiddish Course on Zoom starting Monday, July 8th. Sign up at JewishRetiree.com or call (954) 458-6000. The course is limited to 30 participants. $50 Early-Bird Price and scholarships are available. Sign up today.

Gilda Simpkin, author of My Baby Chase and a Yiddish teacher at Norwalk Community College, will lead this Yiddish Series and will help participants converse in Yiddish during this course.


16820 NE 6 Court

North Miami Beach, FL 33162


The program is on Zoom. No Travel Necessary

Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps

Conversational Yiddish Course


  • 2024-07-08 10:30:00 2024-08-05 12:00:00 America/New_York Conversational Yiddish Course A 5-session Conversational Yiddish Course on Zoom starting Monday, July 8th. Sign up at JewishRetiree.com or call (954) 458-6000. The course is limited to 30 participants. $50 Early-Bird Price and scholarships are available. Sign up today. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/conversational_yiddish_course) North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Menachem Smith [email protected]
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