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Everything but the Turkey North Dade 2023

When: November 19, 2023 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where: Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus
20350 NE 26th Ave
Miami, FL 33180
Organizer: Shelby Klein
Contact: Lori Tabachnikoff at [email protected]
Summary: Celebrate 15 years of this annual volunteer tradition by giving your time! Together we will make more than 1,000 bento box meals for the food insecure in Miami-Dade. In addition, we will be assembling dental hygiene kits and winter weather packages.
2023-11-19 10:00:00 2023-11-19 12:00:00 America/New_York Everything but the Turkey North Dade 2023 Celebrate 15 years of this annual volunteer tradition by giving your time! Together we will make more than 1,000 bento box meals for the food insecure in Miami-Dade. In addition, we will be assembling dental hygiene kits and winter weather packages. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/everything_but_the_turkey_north_dade_2023) Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus Shelby Klein [email protected]

Event Details


Celebrate 15 years of this annual volunteer tradition by giving your time! Together we will make more than 1,000 bento box meals for the food insecure in Miami-Dade. In addition,
we will be assembling dental hygiene kits and winter weather packages. For more information or to RSVP please email [email protected]


Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus

20350 NE 26th Ave

Miami, FL 33180


Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps


  • 2023-11-19 10:00:00 2023-11-19 12:00:00 America/New_York Everything but the Turkey North Dade 2023 Celebrate 15 years of this annual volunteer tradition by giving your time! Together we will make more than 1,000 bento box meals for the food insecure in Miami-Dade. In addition, we will be assembling dental hygiene kits and winter weather packages. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/everything_but_the_turkey_north_dade_2023) Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus, Miami, FL 33180 Shelby Klein [email protected]
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