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JAFCO North Palm Beach Luncheon & Card Party at Mirasol

When: February 3, 2022 10:00 AM
Where: The Country Club at Mirasol
Palm Beach Gardens
Organizer: Ariel Feldman
Contact: Jensen Holroyd at [email protected]
Cost: 125
Summary: Playing cards has never been more important! Shop, eat, and mingle with your friends as you hear the story of JAFCO, a tale that will touch your heart.
2022-02-03 10:00:00 2022-02-03 10:00:00 America/New_York JAFCO North Palm Beach Luncheon & Card Party at Mirasol Playing cards has never been more important! Shop, eat, and mingle with your friends as you hear the story of JAFCO, a tale that will touch your heart. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/jafco_north_palm_beach_luncheon_card_party_at_mirasol) The Country Club at Mirasol Ariel Feldman [email protected]

Event Details


JAFCO’s mission is to care for abused, neglected and at-risk children as well as those with developmental disabilities in the Jewish community and to work in partnership with families and the entire community. We believe that the care of children in our community is our responsibility, one we accept with joy, pride and love. JAFCO provides a full continuum of high-quality services including foster care, adoption, family preservation, mentoring, independent living and developmental disability programs. The JAFCO Children’s Village, consisting of an Emergency Shelter and six Group Homes, is one of the most unique and innovative programs in the nation. The JAFCO Children’s Ability Center supports families raising children with developmental disabilities by providing family enrichment, resources, and respite care all within one state-of-the-art center. JAFCO also is providing foster care, adoption, family preservation and support services to families raising a child with a developmental disability in our Philadelphia office.


The Country Club at Mirasol

Palm Beach Gardens


  • 2022-02-03 10:00:00 2022-02-03 10:00:00 America/New_York JAFCO North Palm Beach Luncheon & Card Party at Mirasol Playing cards has never been more important! Shop, eat, and mingle with your friends as you hear the story of JAFCO, a tale that will touch your heart. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/jafco_north_palm_beach_luncheon_card_party_at_mirasol) The Country Club at MirasolPlease refer to event page Ariel Feldman [email protected]
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