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Live play reading of "The Disabled" By Gur Koren

When: February 16, 2023 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Where: Miami Beach JCC
4221 Pine Tree Drive
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Organizer: Avi Hoffman
Contact: Avi Hoffman at [email protected] (888) 945-6835
Cost: FREE Donation
Summary: Winner of "Best Comedy of 2014" Israeli Tony Award and Israeli Academy Award for Gur Koren "Playwright of 2014." A hard-hitting comedy that centers around the impossible partnership between a crime family and a troupe of disabled actors.
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2023-02-16 19:30:00 2023-02-16 22:00:00 America/New_York Live play reading of "The Disabled" By Gur Koren Winner of "Best Comedy of 2014" Israeli Tony Award and Israeli Academy Award for Gur Koren "Playwright of 2014." A hard-hitting comedy that centers around the impossible partnership between a crime family and a troupe of disabled actors. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/live_play_reading_of_the_disabled_by_gur_koren) Miami Beach JCC Avi Hoffman [email protected]

Event Details


"The Disabled"
By Gur Koren Translated and adapted to English by Alon Pdut
The winner of "The Best Comedy of 2014" Israeli Tony Award and the Israeli Academy Award for Gur Koren for "Playwright of 2014," “The Disabled” is a hard-hitting comedy that centers around the impossible partnership between a crime family and a troupe of disabled actors who are in the middle of rehearsing ”Romeo and Juliet.” “The Sopranos meet The Innocents meet Shakespeare”- The Jerusalem Post.

WON: "The Best Comedy of 2014" "The Disabled"-Israeli Tony Award
WON: Gur Koren "Playwright of 2014" for his play "The Disabled" -Israeli Academy award
A theater group of people with disabilities does not manage to raise funds it requires to represent the USA at a theater festival for the disabled in Macedonia. Help comes in the form of a crime family with drug smuggling interests that has to ship an especially large consignment to Macedonia. The impossible partnership between the criminals and the disabled actors. who are in the middle of rehearsing Romeo and Juliet, leads to some zany and absurd situations.
YI Love Play Readings 2022-2023 Season
With a six-year history of play readings as a way to educate and entertain, YI Love Jewish now has developed a year-long series that includes scholarly lectures with an aim to highlight different aspects of Jewish life, culture, language, and history. Each of the YI Love Play Readings 2022/2023 will be performed and filmed in front of a live audience in Boca Raton and Miami after which they will be made available to schools, Jewish centers, cultural partners and online audiences across the world.
Thank you for considering giving to our Play Reading Series. Each dollar donated contributes directly to the Jewish education of everyone in South Florida and the world.
Click here to donate: https://fundraise.givesmart.com/form/weC_bg?vid=uxg06
Sponsored by Greater Miami Jewish Federation Jewish Incubator Grant 2023, and is cosponsored by Dr. Bruce and Lesley Zafran of Parkland, the Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies/George Feldenkreis Program in Judaic Studies at the University of Miami, The Betsy South Beach, Miami Beach JCC and the Adolph, Rose Levis JCC, Mo’s Deli, and the Yiddish Theatre Alliance.


Miami Beach JCC

4221 Pine Tree Drive

Miami Beach, FL 33140


Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps

Live play reading of "The Disabled" By Gur Koren


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  • 2023-02-16 19:30:00 2023-02-16 22:00:00 America/New_York Live play reading of "The Disabled" By Gur Koren Winner of "Best Comedy of 2014" Israeli Tony Award and Israeli Academy Award for Gur Koren "Playwright of 2014." A hard-hitting comedy that centers around the impossible partnership between a crime family and a troupe of disabled actors. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/live_play_reading_of_the_disabled_by_gur_koren) Miami Beach JCC, Miami Beach, FL 33140 Avi Hoffman [email protected]
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