Foundation Fundholder Login

Thank you for entrusting The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation with your charitable giving. We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with you in this meaningful work.

CLICK HERE to access your fund through our online donor portal to check the balance of your philanthropic fund or make grant recommendations 24/7.

If you have any questions about accessing your fund online or making grants, please contact Julian Ospina, Foundation Grants Manager, at 786.866.8467 or [email protected].

To learn about our Donor Advised Fund program (also known as Philanthropic Funds) and how it can help you organize your current philanthropy, click here.

The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation promotes lasting and creative philanthropy by developing meaningful partnerships with donors and their advisors to achieve enduring charitable goals for Miami's Jewish community.

To learn more about creating a fund, please contact Scott Kaplan, Foundation Director, at 786.866.8623 or [email protected]


YLD Masquerade Ball: A Soaring Success

YLD Masquerade Ball: A Soaring Success

The future of Jewish Miami is bright! A sold-out crowd of more than 500 guests packed the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center for the Third Annual Masquerade Ball.

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Supporting Returning Hostages and Their Families

Supporting Returning Hostages and Their Families

As the freed hostages settle back into life at home and begin their long road to recovery, Federation is providing critical assistance to released individuals and their families through the Fund for Victims of Terror (FVOT).

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Federation Purchases Eight Defibrillators for Yerucham

Federation Purchases Eight Defibrillators for Yerucham

Federation has purchased eight public-access defibrillators for our partnership city of Yerucham, helping locals immediately respond to those experiencing a cardiac event.

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Helping Ukraine’s Jews During the War

Helping Ukraine’s Jews During the War

February 24 marked three years since Russia invaded Ukraine, and Federation is continuing our steadfast support of tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews who are depending on our help.

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