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86th Annual Meeting Award Recipients


Gisela and Daniel Ades

Gisela and Daniel Ades are dynamic young leaders known for bringing innovative ideas to life that benefit many in Miami’s Jewish community. In the wake of the Great Recession of the early 2000s, they approached the Greater Miami Jewish Federation with the desire to bring assistance to the unemployed. Their financial support and partnership with Federation’s primary human service agency Jewish Community Services of South Florida led to the creation of ParnossahWorks Miami (later JWorks Miami), which helped hundreds of people seeking employment. 

Also dedicated to elevating Jewish education, they established the Continuing Education Fellowship through Federation partner the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE), enabling teachers to pursue additional degree and certificate programs. Most recently, they founded the Jewish Leadership Academy, a transformative educational environment for  middle and upper school students in Miami.  

Daniel currently serves with distinction on Federation’s Board of Directors and Gisela was a member of the Women’s Impact Initiative Committee for three years, as well as a leader at the Hebrew Free Loan Association of Miami (HFLA), a Federation program. Together, Daniel and Gisela have been Summit-level donors for many years and are among the youngest in this Campaign leadership category. Daniel was also a participant in Miami's Wexner Heritage Foundation Program and supports the Miami cohort as a donor. 

Originally from Brazil, they each hold a bachelor’s degree from Tufts University, where they first met. Gisela then pursued a JD from University of Miami and practices as an immigration attorney. Daniel has a master’s of arts in law and diplomacy from The Fletcher School and is a partner at Kawa Capital Management. 

Gisela and Daniel live in Golden Beach with their children, Sasha, Cesar and Simon.

Jessica Katz

Jessica Katz has exemplified remarkable leadership as Chair of the Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach. As the granddaughter of Holocaust Survivors, the daughter of Memorial Founder and a Federation Past President Ezra Katz and a first generation American, Jessica learned at an early age the importance of sharing the lessons of the Shoah with future generations. Her mother, Tati, also taught her about commitment to philanthropy through her longtime involvement with Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy and as a Lion of Judah. 

Jessica’s profound dedication to Holocaust education and remembrance has significantly enhanced educational programs both at the Memorial and throughout the broader community. Under her stewardship, the Memorial is not only a site of remembrance, but a vibrant educational hub, with Jessica helping spearhead the development of the new Holocaust Education Center on its grounds.

Her vision also has been pivotal in creating and nurturing a 3G group in Miami, comprising third-generation descendants of Holocaust Survivors and sharing their familial histories in schools.  

Beyond her volunteer work, Jessica is the Southeast Regional Director for Christie's Auction House, heading their Miami office. Her professional success mirrors her commitment to community service, showcasing her as a versatile leader capable of inspiring change in various areas.

Jessica lives in Coconut Grove with her son, Elie.


Ali Mendoza

Ali Mendoza is a recognized figure in Jewish South Dade, where she is deeply committed to its growth and prosperity. The daughter of Federation Board member and former South Dade Branch Board Chair Brad Sokol, Ali actively participated in Jewish life from an early age — from preschool at Alper JCC Miami and synagogue religious school to the March of the Living and Birthright Israel. 

Wishing to instill in her own children a love and understanding of Jewish traditions and values, Ali became deeply involved in local South Dade Jewish institutions. In addition to serving as PTO President of Alper JCC Miami’s Early Childhood Development Center, she has been a longtime member of Federation’s South Dade Board. She also chaired the South Dade Elevate Leadership program, which focuses on inspiring a new generation to engage in community service and philanthropy.

Ali’s influence extends across various capacities, including her role as a member of the Federation Agency Support Committee and her commitment as a Lion of Judah, signifying her philanthropic contributions to Jewish causes. Last year, she joined with 800 other Miamians on Federation’s Israel 75 Miami Mega Mission. 

A University of Florida alumna, Ali is a CPA employed at Kaufman Rossin and lives in Miami with her husband, Gabe, and their sons, Eli and Jordan.

Brian Riemer

Brian Riemer’s commitment to the Jewish community is deeply rooted in values passed down by his family, emphasizing service, support for the Jewish people and social responsibility. Brian attended school at Jacobson Sinai Academy through Temple Sinai of North Dade and participated extensively in programs supported by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, including the Michael-Ann Russell JCC and the March of the Living. 

Drawing from his profoundly moving visits to the concentration camps in Poland and while studying at Harvard, Brian participated in a unique seminar on the Shoah. He produced a short film interviewing Holocaust Survivors, capturing their poignant narratives for educational purposes.

After college, Brian moved to New York, where he supported the local Jewish Federation and took on several young leadership roles. When he returned to Miami, he further engaged with Federation in a number of capacities, including participating in the Jewish Incubator Grants and Administrative committees, the latter of which he will chair in the coming year. He is also a Federation Board member. Most recently, following Hamas’ brutal October 7 terrorist attacks in Israel, Brian helped organize a small gathering of Federation donors that raised $400,000 for Israel in a single evening.

CEO of Riemer Insurance Group, Brian lives in Bay Harbor Island with his wife, Brittany, and their daughters, Mia and Emma.


Dana Yemin Schrager

Dana Yemin Schrager is a devoted community leader who was born in Israel and holds a deep connection to our spiritual homeland. As Chair of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s Israel Engagement Committee and a member of the Miami-Yerucham Partnership Committee, she works tirelessly to promote understanding and support for the people of Israel within Jewish Miami. 

Dana is a committed Federation Board member with longstanding involvement with our organization and the Jewish community of Miami. Her leadership also includes participation in the Women’s Impact Initiative Committee, which fosters innovative programs that empower local women and girls. An active Women’s Philanthropy donor and volunteer, she has played pivotal roles in various Federation events, including Super Sunday and Mitzvah Day. 

More recently, Dana joined a solidarity mission to Israel led by Federation to demonstrate support for the people of Israel in the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas. 

A graduate of Barry University with a master’s degree in clinical psychology, Dana previously worked as a clinical psychologist and now focuses on her roles within the community and her family. Her passion for helping others extends to volunteering with Larger Than Life, an organization aiding Israeli children with cancer. 

Dana resides in Highland Lakes with her husband, Joshua, and their children, Zohara, Daniel and Sophia.

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