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Yarin Levin

Twenty-four-year-old Yarin Levin had completed his Israel Defense Forces (IDF) service as an officer and was preparing to study at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev when, on October 7, his life took a most unexpected turn. A night of joyous celebration at the Tribe of Nova trance music festival in Re’im in the south of Israel turned into a deadly massacre, and Levin, whose military service included executing rescue operations, was thrust into a role he could not have anticipated.

At 7 in the morning, gunfire and missile attacks pierced the air, disrupting the peace Levin had known just moments before. Amidst the ensuing chaos, he found himself guiding people to safety, attending to the wounded – physically and mentally – and trying his utmost to stay alive. With the roads blocked and danger surrounding him, Levin began the 25-kilometer trek on foot to reach Kibbutz Patish.

The gravity of his situation intensified profoundly when Levin learned of the death of his best friend from childhood, a soldier who fought bravely in the battles of Kibbutz Kfar Aza, preventing advancing terrorists from reaching innocent families. Despite this tragic loss, Levin displayed remarkable resilience. Determined to contribute in the aftermath of the catastrophe and after a mere three hours sleep, he headed out to serve in the reserves and further defend his people and his country.

Levin’s experience stands as a testament to the harsh realities of Israeli life: the fragility of peace and the cost of war, this one triggered by unimaginably brutal terror attacks. Levin, who doesn’t shy from discussing his ordeal or fielding difficult questions about it, seeks to spotlight the severity of the massacre, emphasizing that such horrific events can touch anyone, anywhere. His story is a deeply powerful reminder of the human toll incurred by the escalation of heinous terrorism and the indomitable spirit and resolve that can triumph in the face of unfathomable tragedy.

Don’t Miss Miami’s Jewish Community Study

Don’t Miss Miami’s Jewish Community Study

Don’t miss your last chance to participate in the Miami Jewish Community Study! The Miami-Dade Jewish Community Study is a once-a-decade study sponsored by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and conducted by the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University in partnership with NORC at the University of Chicago. The study will provide vital information on the number and makeup of Jewish households in Miami-Dade County, as well as their attitudes and needs.

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Women Lead Federation

Women Lead Federation

For the first time in the history of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, two women assume the organization’s top leadership positions. Lily Serviansky will become Chair of the Board and Mojdeh Khaghan Danial will serve as General Campaign Chair, following their installation at Federation’s 86th Annual Meeting, on Thursday, May 30 at 5:30 p.m. at the Jungle Island Ballroom.

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Federation Participates in Collaborative Grant-Making

Federation Participates in Collaborative Grant-Making

Federation continues to prioritize the support of women and girls in the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist attacks, this time, in partnership with 10 other nonprofit organizations through the Jewish Women’s Collective Response Fund.

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Volunteer to Chat With Ukrainians

Volunteer to Chat With Ukrainians

Make a difference in the lives of Ukrainians impacted by the ongoing conflict by volunteering to help improve their English through Connect for Good: Chat With Ukraine.

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