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Jul 27, 2022

Learn to Share a Holocaust Survivor’s Story Through 3GMiami Virtual Training

If you’re the grandchild of a Holocaust Survivor, 3GMiami wants to train you to share your grandparent’s story with new generations, educating them about the dangers of intolerance and its impact on the Jewish people. 3GMiami is a local nonprofit that received a 2022 Federation Incubator Grant. With founders and staff who are grandchildren of Survivors themselves — 3G stands for third generation — the organization’s mission is to teach area 6th-12th graders to apply the lessons of the Holocaust to their own lives and advocate against the hatred, bigotry and antisemitism once again on the rise. The fall session of the 3GMiami Speaker Training Series will include four Zoom classes on the following Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m.: September 13, September 20, October 25 and November 8. Participants will learn to retell Survivor testimonies and be given opportunities to hone a presentation. Attendance at all session classes is required. To sign up or for information, email [email protected].

Miami Remembers October 7

Miami Remembers October 7

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation, the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami and the Consulate General of Israel in Miami, in partnership with Miami synagogues, day schools and agencies, present a communitywide commemoration on the one-year anniversary of October 7, 2023.

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E-Bike Helps Israeli First Responders Save Lives

E-Bike Helps Israeli First Responders Save Lives

A specialized E-bike, donated by Federation to United Hatzalah, is saving lives throughout Israel, as demonstrated on October 7 by one “angel in orange,” medic Itamar Chazzan.

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Free High Holiday Seats

Free High Holiday Seats

Our High Holiday Welcome Program offers unaffiliated individuals and families in Miami-Dade County free seats to holiday services.

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March of the Living: Apply Now!

March of the Living: Apply Now!

Jewish High school seniors residing or attending school in Miami-Dade County are encouraged to apply for this life-changing educational experience taking place April 21-May 2, 2025.

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