Aug 3, 2017
Women’s Amutot Initiative Helps Israeli Women Gain Financial Independence

Through a grant from the Women’s Amutot Initiative, Federation is helping a group of women sew their way toward independence. Early last year, a professional sewing course for women from the city of Rachma opened in Yerucham, Miami’s partnership city in the Negev. Their hard work and dedication recently came to fruition at a unique fashion show and market, where all the clothes were designed and sewn by the students. Many Negev residents attended the show, bought pieces and even placed orders for custom clothes.
The brainchild of Rachma resident Salima A-Sagiara, the sewing course, show and sales will provide many new opportunities for the women in her village. Not only will they be able to contribute to their households, but they also have a way to demonstrate their talent and creativity. The fashion show and sales event was so popular that the participants have received numerous invitations from neighboring communities to plan more. Efforts are already under way for an internet sales catalog and a sewing center.
The Women’s Amutot Initiative allocates funds from the Annual Federation/UJA Campaign to organizations that empower women in Israel to improve Israeli society through social, economic, religious and political equality. For more information, contact Dahlia Bendavid, Israel and Overseas Department Director, at [email protected] or 786.866.8445.