Apr 4, 2024
April is Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month
According to the CDC, one in 36 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, the fastest-growing developmental disability in the US. Working to transform awareness of disabilities into action and support, Federation’s Miami Jewish Abilities Alliance (MJAA) has partnered with local synagogues and Jewish agencies to offer community events throughout the month of April, Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month. Tamar Sivan, who leads Temple Beth Am’s Accessibility Committee, encourages us to be “better allies for people on the spectrum and their families, and do what we can to help everyone feel part of the community.” The Pinecrest synagogue is spearheading two relevant programs: Exploring the Brain, on April 17, which will focus on the challenges and opportunities facing individuals with autism and their families, and a Sensory-Friendly Family Shabbat Service on April 27. Further north, Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus will host up to 50 Jewish adults with developmental or physical challenges for a Special Mitzvah Seder on April 25. MJAA is the Jewish community’s network that links individuals with disabilities and their families to resources, services, support groups and more within their community.