Feb 14, 2024
Register Now for JCC Summer Camp
Looking for a fun and formative Jewish experience for your children this summer? Miami’s three Federation-supported Jewish community centers (JCCs) offer a number of summer camp opportunities for everyone from infants to high schoolers, including visual arts, performing arts, sports, teen travel and much more. There are also camp programs for children with special needs. Registration is now open at Camp J Miami at Alper JCC Miami, Camp Klurman at the Miami Beach JCC and Camp Sol Taplin at the Michael-Ann Russell JCC (MARJCC), with early bird discounts still available at the Miami Beach and MARJCC camps. Camp J Miami runs from June 17 to August 2. Camp Klurman is open from June 10 to August 16. Camp Sol Taplin runs from June 10 to August 9. Don’t miss this chance to create memories for your child or grandchild that will last a lifetime!