Aug 28, 2024
United Hatzalah Uses Federation-donated E-bikes to Save Lives
A specialized E-bike, donated by Federation to United Hatzalah, is saving lives throughout Israel, as demonstrated on October 7 by one “angel in orange,” medic Itamar Chazzan. That fateful morning, Chazzan’s neighborhood in the south was attacked by Hamas rockets. As soon as he could, Chazzan responded to a call for help. Riding his E-bike, which allowed him to zip between buildings and find the fastest route possible, Chazzan quickly reached a house that had taken a direct rocket hit. There, he attended to a 45-year-old man who had sustained massive bleeding from shrapnel, saving his life, along with the man’s elderly father, who was also wounded in the attack. Afterward, Chazzan continued by bike, stocked with emergency medical supplies, to a casualty collection point, where he spent the rest of day triaging attack victims alongside fellow United Hatzalah volunteers, who act as emergency rescue and response. Click here to read more about how Federation is helping Israelis during the war.