Bereavement Resources Provided by Mishkan Miami of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Support Groups, Pastoral Care and Grief Counseling
click here.
Reflections on the Journey of Grief
- SHIVA/WINTER: We sit through seven days of Shiva and refrain from our daily routine, which allows us to feel the loss and to recognize that our lives have been irrevocably changed. We begin to say Kaddish (Mourner’s Prayer) daily.
Winter Guide - SHLOSHIM/SPRING: We enter into a period of bereavement called Shloshim (The Thirty Days), a month of mourning where we are still consumed by loss and readjustments. We continue to say Kaddish and begin to plant seeds of healing.
Spring Guide - UNVEILING/SUMMER: After the formal mourning period of 11 months, we are invited to reenter the world and to reestablish our routines. Recognizing that our grief may still come to the surface in waves of emotion that can upset our equilibrium, we end our recitation of Kaddish.
Summer Guide
- INTEGRATION/FALL: We enter into the fourth stage of mourning, an integration of our loss into our lives through Yahrzeits (mourning commemorative mourning) and Yizkor (memorial prayer).
Autumn Guide
A Reflection for Brokenness
To read a powerful poem about grief composed by Rabbi Frederick Klein, click here.