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Crash Course in Jewish History

When: December 22, 2022 3:00 PM to January 19, 2023 4:00 PM
Where: 16820 NE 6 Court
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Organizer: Jeremy Smith
Contact: Menachem Smith at [email protected] (954) 458-6000
Cost: $72 Scholarships Available
Summary: Retiree Class over Zoom offers “Entire Jewish History in 4 Sessions!” No travel necessary. Use your phone or your computer. Learn about your amazing heritage from an expert in the field of Jewish History.
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This is a recurring event, 4 of 5, occuring weekly. (first occurence)
2022-12-22 15:00:00 2023-01-19 16:00:00 America/New_York Crash Course in Jewish History Retiree Class over Zoom offers “Entire Jewish History in 4 Sessions!” No travel necessary. Use your phone or your computer. Learn about your amazing heritage from an expert in the field of Jewish History. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/JewishSeniorAcademy.com-20221222) North Miami Beach,FL Jeremy Smith [email protected]

Event Details


The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy is an interactive Zoom class on Judaic topics with many seniors participating and interacting together online.

Their newest course is called “Jewish History in a FLASH,” will be starting on Thursday, Dec 1st at 3PM online. Join us and you may gain more knowledge in these 4 classes than you gained in years of Hebrew School! We are honored to have International Lecturer, Ronnie Halibard, the course author, to present this powerful course.

There is a fee of $72 to join, but there are scholarships that can cover that fee. The classes will take place on Dec 1, 8, 15 and 29th from 3pm-4pm.

To join, please sign up at JewishSeniorAcademy.com For more info, please email [email protected] or call (954) 458-6000.

The Levi Yitzchok Senior Academy, is a project of United Jewish Generations, a Chabad organization for retirees and seniors. They offer numerous services to the community including visitations and social events. The Senior Academy offers many programs on Zoom so that senior citizens around the world can participate. They offer daily classes for men and women.


16820 NE 6 Court

North Miami Beach, FL 33162


This is not at a location. It is an online event. Sign up at JewishSeniorAcademy.com and we will send you a link to join. You will have the option to pay the $72 or to receive a scholarship.

Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps


To register for this event, please click here.


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  • 2022-12-22 15:00:00 2023-01-19 16:00:00 America/New_York Crash Course in Jewish History Retiree Class over Zoom offers “Entire Jewish History in 4 Sessions!” No travel necessary. Use your phone or your computer. Learn about your amazing heritage from an expert in the field of Jewish History. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/JewishSeniorAcademy.com-20221222) North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Jeremy Smith [email protected]
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