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An Evening with Matti Friedman

When: February 3, 2025 7:00 PM
Where: The Hub: Frankel Family Performing Arts Center
5950 N. Kendall Drive
Pinecrest, FL 33156
Organizer: Janice Baisman
Contact: Janice Baisman at [email protected] (305) 667-6667
Cost: Free admission with RSVP
Summary: We invite you to an engaging evening with journalist and award-winning author Matti Friedman in conversation with Gabby Deutch, Senior National Correspondent at Jewish Insider.
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2025-02-03 19:00:00 2025-02-03 19:00:00 America/New_York An Evening with Matti Friedman We invite you to an engaging evening with journalist and award-winning author Matti Friedman in conversation with Gabby Deutch, Senior National Correspondent at Jewish Insider. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/an_evening_with_matti_friedman) The Hub: Frankel Family Performing Arts Center Janice Baisman [email protected]

Event Details


Matti Friedman is a Canadian-Israeli journalist, op-ed contributor for The New York Times, columnist for Tablet Magazine, and the award-winning author of four works of non-fiction.

Matti’s most recent book Who by Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai is an account of Leonard Cohen’s concert tour to the front lines of the Yom Kippur War. The book has been listed by both Vanity Fair and Mosaic Magazine as among their top books of 2022 and is being made into a limited TV dramatic series by Keshet International.

Matti’s 2019 book, Spies of No Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel, won the 2019 Natan Prize and the Canadian Jewish Book Award, among other prizes. His 2016 book, Pumpkinflowers: A Soldier’s Story of a Forgotten War was chosen as a New York Times Notable Book and won the 2017 Vine Award for Canadian Jewish literature, among other honors.

Mattis first book, The Aleppo Codex, was awarded the 2014 Sami Rohr Prize and the American Library Association’s Sophie Brody Medal. A former Associated Press correspondent, Matti’s work as a reporter has taken him from Israel to Lebanon, Morocco, Moscow, the Caucasus, and Washington, DC. Two critical essays he wrote about media coverage of Israel after the 2014 Gaza war, for Tablet and The Atlantic, triggered intense discussion and have been shared on Facebook more than 130,000 times. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, The Atlantic, Tablet, Smithsonian, and elsewhere.

His 2016 book, Pumpkinflowers: A Soldier’s Story of a Forgotten War was chosen as a New York Times Notable Book and won the 2017 Vine Award for Canadian Jewish literature, among other honors. Mattis first book, The Aleppo Codex, was awarded the 2014 Sami Rohr Prize and the American Library Association’s Sophie Brody Medal.

A former Associated Press correspondent, Matti’s work as a reporter has taken him from Israel to Lebanon, Morocco, Moscow, the Caucasus, and Washington, DC. Two critical essays he wrote about media coverage of Israel after the 2014 Gaza war, for Tablet and The Atlantic, triggered intense discussion and have been shared on Facebook more than 130,000 times. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, The Atlantic, Tablet, Smithsonian, and elsewhere.


The Hub: Frankel Family Performing Arts Center

5950 N. Kendall Drive

Pinecrest, FL 33156


Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps


To register for this event, please click here.


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  • 2025-02-03 19:00:00 2025-02-03 19:00:00 America/New_York An Evening with Matti Friedman We invite you to an engaging evening with journalist and award-winning author Matti Friedman in conversation with Gabby Deutch, Senior National Correspondent at Jewish Insider. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/an_evening_with_matti_friedman) The Hub: Frankel Family Performing Arts Center, Pinecrest, FL 33156 Janice Baisman [email protected]
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