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Gift of Life One Huge Night Gala

When: December 13, 2022 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Where: Sagamore Hotel, South Beach
1671 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Contact: Jody Greenspon at [email protected] (561) 982-2926
Cost: $250 per ticket- Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Summary: At Gift of Life we believe every person battling blood cancer deserves a second chance at life — and we are determined to make it happen. We are passionate about engaging the public to help cure blood cancer, inherited immune disorders and other diseases.
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2022-12-13 18:30:00 2022-12-13 21:30:00 America/New_York Gift of Life One Huge Night Gala At Gift of Life we believe every person battling blood cancer deserves a second chance at life — and we are determined to make it happen. We are passionate about engaging the public to help cure blood cancer, inherited immune disorders and other diseases. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/gift_of_life_night_gala) Sagamore Hotel, South Beach [email protected]

Event Details


Gift of Life’s annual One Huge Night Gala recognizes and honors the people that help Gift of Life save lives and accomplish all the remarkable things they do. Many award winners share personal stories that compelled them to get involved in the organization as a donor, recipient, supporter or volunteer. This year's honorees include Marissa Galbut, Dr. Brooke Owens and Liza Samuels.

The highlight of the evening is a first time meeting between a blood stem cell donor and recipient. The experience of witnessing a stem cell donor meeting the person whose lives they saved is truly magical. This heartwarming meeting has been performed more than 450 times over the years.

In addition, Gift of Life celebrates it’s accomplishments over the past year and provides a glimpse of the company’s future plans and focus of getting everyone involved in curing blood cancer, inherited immune disorders and other diseases. Gift of Life continues to facilitate the latest medical advances to help save patients in need.

The Gala will be chaired by Mojdeh Khagan Danial, Robin Schwartz Jacobs, Debbie Kalimian and Carla Probus.



Sagamore Hotel, South Beach

1671 Collins Avenue

Miami Beach, FL 33139


Sagamore Hotel, South Beach
1671 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139

Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps

Gift of Life One Huge Night Gala


To register for this event, please click here.


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  • 2022-12-13 18:30:00 2022-12-13 21:30:00 America/New_York Gift of Life One Huge Night Gala At Gift of Life we believe every person battling blood cancer deserves a second chance at life — and we are determined to make it happen. We are passionate about engaging the public to help cure blood cancer, inherited immune disorders and other diseases. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/gift_of_life_night_gala) Sagamore Hotel, South Beach, Miami Beach, FL 33139 [email protected]
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