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Hanukkah Fest 22 "Noble Laureate:Mr. Singer & His Demons"-YI Love Play Readings

When: December 20, 2022 2:00 PM to December 22, 2022 4:00 PM
Where: Miami Beach JCC
4221 Pine Tree Drive
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Organizer: Avi Hoffman
Contact: Avi Hoffman at [email protected] (888) 945-6835
Summary: As Hanukkah is a season of miracles for Jews all around the world, YILoveJewish.org, is presenting their 3rd annual YI Love HanukkahFest from December 20-December 24 with a LIVE lineup of live events in South Florida that is nothing short of miraculous.
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2022-12-20 14:00:00 2022-12-22 16:00:00 America/New_York Hanukkah Fest 22 "Noble Laureate:Mr. Singer & His Demons"-YI Love Play Readings As Hanukkah is a season of miracles for Jews all around the world, YILoveJewish.org, is presenting their 3rd annual YI Love HanukkahFest from December 20-December 24 with a LIVE lineup of live events in South Florida that is nothing short of miraculous. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/hanukkah_fest_22_noble_laureatemr_singer_his_demons-yi_love_play_readings) Miami Beach JCC Avi Hoffman [email protected]

Event Details


YI Love Jewish (Yiddishkayt Initiative, Inc) will celebrate Hanukkah by presenting live events in South Florida with a ‘miraculous’ gathering of Jewish celebrities.

Almost everyone knows the ancient miracle of Hanukkah: a drop of oil that should have lasted only one day but instead lasted for eight days to light the menorah in The Holy Temple after the Maccabees re-claimed it from the Greeks.

As Hanukkah is a season of miracles for Jews all around the world, YILoveJewish.org, is presenting their 3rd annual YI Love HanukkahFest from December 20-December 24 with a LIVE lineup of entertainment and educational programming that is nothing short of miraculous after the long Covid winter.

“Hanukkah is a time of miracles,” said Avi Hoffman, YI Founder and CEO. “What we are doing is bringing together leading Jewish and Yiddish cultural figures from all over the world for this year's YI Love HanukkahFest ‘22. Some of the festival’s events are free to the public because our mission is to fight antisemitism through the arts.”

The festival opens with a reading of the play "Noble Laureate: Mr. Singer & His Demons" by Miriam Hoffman & Rena Berkowicz Borow, starring Avi Hoffman as the Nobel prize-winning author Isaac Bashevis Singer, who spent the last and most productive years of his life on Miami Beach. This play explores the parallels between Singer's family members and some of his fictional characters while navigating the complex mindset which gave rise to Singer's creative genius.

The headliner for this year’s festival is award-winning singer/songwriter/musician Batsheva who will be performing her internationally acclaimed one-woman concert. Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Batsheva performs music in Yiddish, Ladino Hebrew and English and is frequently featured on Raquel Zucker's Yiddish radio and other Jewish radio shows in the USA while touring and performing around the world.

The festival closes with an encore performance of “Stars of David” presented by YI Love Jewish and Temple Torat Emet in Boynton Beach. The concert, based on the best-selling book, “Stars of David: Prominent Jews Talk About Being Jewish” by Abigail Pogrebin, features Musical Director Caryl Fantel and singers Shira Ginsburg, Eytan Deray and Avi Hoffman. “Stars of David” adapts the stories of well-known Jewish personalities into humorous and touching songs.

For more information about the festival and YI Love Jewish, visit the website at www.yilovejewish.org, email: [email protected] or call 888-YILOVEJ (888-945-6835).


Miami Beach JCC

4221 Pine Tree Drive

Miami Beach, FL 33140


Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps

Hanukkah Fest 22 "Noble Laureate:Mr. Singer & His Demons"-YI Love Play Readings


To register for this event, please click here.


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  • 2022-12-20 14:00:00 2022-12-22 16:00:00 America/New_York Hanukkah Fest 22 "Noble Laureate:Mr. Singer & His Demons"-YI Love Play Readings As Hanukkah is a season of miracles for Jews all around the world, YILoveJewish.org, is presenting their 3rd annual YI Love HanukkahFest from December 20-December 24 with a LIVE lineup of live events in South Florida that is nothing short of miraculous. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/hanukkah_fest_22_noble_laureatemr_singer_his_demons-yi_love_play_readings) Miami Beach JCC, Miami Beach, FL 33140 Avi Hoffman [email protected]
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