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The Israel Philharmonic

When: November 10, 2022 8:00 PM to
Where: Knight Concert Hall
1300 Biscayne Boulevard
Miami, FL 33132
Organizer: Kimberly Engelhardt
Contact: Box Office Managers at [email protected] (305) 949-6722
Cost: $50 - $170
Summary: Witness the brilliance of The Israel Philharmonic! At this historic concert, Lahav Shani makes his Arsht Center debut as the first new music director in over four decades and the first Israeli native at the helm.
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2022-11-10 20:00:00 2022-11-10 20:00:00 America/New_York The Israel Philharmonic Witness the brilliance of The Israel Philharmonic! At this historic concert, Lahav Shani makes his Arsht Center debut as the first new music director in over four decades and the first Israeli native at the helm. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/israel-philharmonic-orchestra) Knight Concert Hall Kimberly Engelhardt [email protected]

Event Details


Witness the brilliance of The Israel Philharmonic! At this historic concert, Lahav Shani makes his Arsht Center debut as the first new music director in over four decades and the first Israeli native at the helm.

The world-class ensemble returns to the Arsht Center with an inspiring program of Sergei Prokofiev music. The evening opens with Symphony No. 1, one of the composer’s most popular and beloved works. It continues with select movements from Romeo and Juliet, an orchestral suite reflecting animosity and rivalry, love and passion, grief and mourning. The concert closes with Symphony No. 5, patriotic music void of cynicism that Prokofiev said he “conceived as a symphony of the greatness of the human spirit.”

One hour prior to this performance, join us in the Peacock Education Center for Classical Conversations, an exciting, behind-the scenes look at this performance led by Scott Flavin.


Knight Concert Hall

1300 Biscayne Boulevard

Miami, FL 33132


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To register for this event, please click here.


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  • 2022-11-10 20:00:00 2022-11-10 20:00:00 America/New_York The Israel Philharmonic Witness the brilliance of The Israel Philharmonic! At this historic concert, Lahav Shani makes his Arsht Center debut as the first new music director in over four decades and the first Israeli native at the helm. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/israel-philharmonic-orchestra) Knight Concert Hall, Miami, FL 33132 Kimberly Engelhardt [email protected]
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