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Pride Empowerment Circle

When: April 14, 2025 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: 11155 SW 112 Avenue, Building #6, Studio Room A
Miami, FL 33176
Organizer: Michele Rothkopf
Contact: Jenine Simon at [email protected] (305) 271-9000 x. 251
Cost: Free for JCC members, $5 for Guests (non-members)
Summary: Join us for a collaborative conversation about HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS and COMMUNICATION, led by 2 facilitators from Pridelines. Included will be a creative component (no skill required) and an LGBTQ+ resource guide for Miami-Dade County.
RSVP Register Here
2025-04-14 18:30:00 2025-04-14 20:00:00 America/New_York Pride Empowerment Circle Join us for a collaborative conversation about HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS and COMMUNICATION, led by 2 facilitators from Pridelines. Included will be a creative component (no skill required) and an LGBTQ+ resource guide for Miami-Dade County. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/pride_empowerment_circle_april2025) Miami,FL Michele Rothkopf [email protected]

Event Details


Pride Empowerment Circle is a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community and allies to meet in person and build connection and community.


11155 SW 112 Avenue, Building #6, Studio Room A

Miami, FL 33176


Building #6 is located on SW 112 Street.

Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps

Pride Empowerment Circle


To register for this event, please click here.


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  • 2025-04-14 18:30:00 2025-04-14 20:00:00 America/New_York Pride Empowerment Circle Join us for a collaborative conversation about HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS and COMMUNICATION, led by 2 facilitators from Pridelines. Included will be a creative component (no skill required) and an LGBTQ+ resource guide for Miami-Dade County. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/pride_empowerment_circle_april2025) Miami, FL 33176 Michele Rothkopf [email protected]
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