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Meet Emily Hyatt, New Director of the Young Leadership Division

This summer, the Young Leadership Division, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s under-40 connection, named Emily Hyatt as its new Director. A native of Colorado and a former BBYO International President, Emily comes to Federation from Denver, where she spent several years as a professional for BBYO. Most recently, Emily was responsible for expanding BBYO around the globe and worked with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to engage teens in communities in Europe, South America, South Africa and Israel. JDC is an overseas partner of Federation, and BBYO receives funding from the Annual Federation/UJA Campaign.

The FastLink staff recently caught up with Emily between her many meetings and events:

Q: Through your previous professional positions, you’ve had the opportunity to travel extensively throughout the world. What are your first impressions of Miami’s Jewish community, and how does it compare to others you’ve visited?

A: Miami has the most diverse and international Jewish community I have seen. It is wonderful to be able to hear so many languages spoken and to know that people come from so many different backgrounds and countries. I like that Miami is a landing ground for new American Jews. I also appreciate the dynamics that exist between traditional Jewish values and Miami’s international social scene.

Q: You’ve had a lot of experience engaging teens in Jewish life, and now you are working with adults ages 22 to 39. What do you find most exciting about this new opportunity?

A: These young adults want to be a part of something bigger, they seek a spiritual or religious outlet, and they want to make a difference in the world. I think those ideals are shared by both age groups. But, the best part is the capacity young adults have to effect change. They have knowledge, resources and social capital – and that’s all you need.

Q: You’ve traveled and studied in Israel and other overseas Jewish communities. What important cultural values have you gained from your extensive travels?

A: The single most important thing I know is that a sense of Jewish community is what is going to save the Jewish people. Our future must be about responsibility, being comfortable with being different, committing to a collective effort and, ultimately, a sense of belonging. Jewish peoplehood is what makes an individual Jew a part of the Jewish community.

Q: Where would you like to see the Young Leadership Division in the next few years?

A: My goal is to see more young Jews engaged in the Jewish community, supporting the Jewish community, and fighting for the strength and survival of the Jewish community. Fortunately, I believe our Young Leadership Division leadership is committed to working together toward reaching those objectives, and I truly look forward to learning their vision and helping to bring it to a reality.

Don’t Miss Miami’s Jewish Community Study

Don’t Miss Miami’s Jewish Community Study

Don’t miss your last chance to participate in the Miami Jewish Community Study! The Miami-Dade Jewish Community Study is a once-a-decade study sponsored by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and conducted by the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University in partnership with NORC at the University of Chicago. The study will provide vital information on the number and makeup of Jewish households in Miami-Dade County, as well as their attitudes and needs.

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Women Lead Federation

Women Lead Federation

For the first time in the history of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, two women assume the organization’s top leadership positions. Lily Serviansky will become Chair of the Board and Mojdeh Khaghan Danial will serve as General Campaign Chair, following their installation at Federation’s 86th Annual Meeting, on Thursday, May 30 at 5:30 p.m. at the Jungle Island Ballroom.

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Federation Participates in Collaborative Grant-Making

Federation Participates in Collaborative Grant-Making

Federation continues to prioritize the support of women and girls in the aftermath of the October 7 terrorist attacks, this time, in partnership with 10 other nonprofit organizations through the Jewish Women’s Collective Response Fund.

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Volunteer to Chat With Ukrainians

Volunteer to Chat With Ukrainians

Make a difference in the lives of Ukrainians impacted by the ongoing conflict by volunteering to help improve their English through Connect for Good: Chat With Ukraine.

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