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Learn About Mission Mosaic at Informational Session


As some details of the trip are being finalized, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation has unveiled the tentative itinerary for Mission Mosaic, a new opportunity to experience Israel in a unique way with members of Miami’s Jewish community November 3-10, 2013.  To share the itinerary, Federation volunteer leaders are hosting a number of informational meetings in coming days and weeks at private homes and small venues.

Chaired by William Lehman, a Federation past Board Chair, Mission Mosaic promises participants the opportunity to shape their Israel experience based on their own interests. While some days will find mission-goers traveling together on various “home bus” adventures, other days will invite individuals to head off on a special, themed “track.”

These tracks are:

Discover Israel - Perfect for first-time visitors and those who have not been to Israel in many years and want to experience the "must-see" sites.

The Israeli Entrepreneurial Spirit
- Visit high-tech companies and hear from corporate visionaries. Learn what makes Israel the "Start-Up Nation."

Footsteps of the Bible
- Tiyul and Tanach ~ With the Bible as your guide, travel across Israel's landscape while having fun learning about ancient civilizations and cultures.

Politics and Security
- Understand the complexity of the land of Israel from a political and security perspective. Meet with and hear from high-level dignitaries.

Food, Wine and Art
- Visit Israel's art museums and villages as well as private collections, meet renowned artists, dine with private chefs, tour and enjoy wineries – and more.

The Dynamic Israel Trail
- Bike and hike through the landscape of the country, paraglide, zip line, and ride a dragon boat and 4x4. Perfect for the adventure lover!

All Mission Mosaic participants will come together for community programs and events. In a year with two major milestones — the 65th anniversary of the creation of the modern State of Israel and the 75th anniversary of Federation's founding — participants will celebrate Miami's ongoing partnership with the people of Israel by seeing it firsthand.

“No matter how many times you’ve been to Israel – or if you’re a first-time visitor – Mission Mosaic will offer something special for you,” said Lehman.

Beginning on October 28, there also will be an optional Pre-Mission to Morocco, focusing on that nation's rich Jewish history and culture. After Mission Mosaic, participants can stay on in Jerusalem for The Jewish Federations of North America's General Assembly, where thousands of Jews from across North America come together to share innovations, celebrate achievements and be inspired by noteworthy speakers.

Jacob Serfati
is Morocco Pre-Mission Chair, and Mission Vice Chairs include Dr. Mark Gordon, Sandi-Jo Gordon, Elena Salomon, Sheree Savar and Linda Schechter.
Registration for Mission Mosaic is now open.  To learn more, click on the links below:

To register, click here.

To learn about available subsidies for early registration and first-time mission participants, click here.

To learn about costs and mission inclusions, click here.

In addition, Federation is hosting a number of informational meetings in coming days and weeks at private homes and small venues.
  To find out about an event, contact Federation’s Missions Department at [email protected] or 786.866.8436.

All participants will be asked to make a meaningful contribution to the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign, to help support Jewish needs in Miami, in Israel and worldwide.

For more information, visit JewishMiami.org/missionmosaic or email [email protected]. To find about an upcoming informational meeting and see the tentative itinerary, contact Lawrence Muscant at 305.705.0800 or Karen Weiner at 786.866.8436.

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