Mar 24, 2022
Eighth Graders Return From Meaningful Trip to Israel

Ten eighth graders recently returned from a 10-day trip to Israel as the first Miami cohort of IsraelNow, a national educational experience for teens. The Miami contingent was part of a group of almost 200 teens from Chicago, Rochester and Cleveland. The teens visited Tel Aviv, explored Jerusalem’s Old City, shopped in a shuk candy shop, hiked Masada, floated in the Dead Sea and heard stories from Holocaust Survivors. They also enjoyed some unique experiences — dining at a restaurant where the servers were hearing-impaired and visiting Susan’s House, an Israeli nonprofit organization that empowers youth at risk. The teens made new friends, formed a special bond with Israel and connected to their Jewish identity. Participant Sydney Lefcourt said, "My three favorite parts were the camels, new friends and the shuk. I met so many new people." The program is supported through Federation and managed by its subsidiary the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education. Recruitment for the 2023 cohort will begin in the fall. For more information, click here or contact Claudine Ackerman.