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Aug 9, 2011

Families Go on a Mitzvah Mission with Help of Federation

The kids enjoyed dinner with lone soldiers.

This summer, two North Miami-Dade families − the Bejars and Bentatas − traveled together to Israel where they held Bar Mitzvahs for their sons. But before the mission, the families planned a week of hands-on mitzvah projects that all would benefit from. They turned to the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s Missions and Israel and Overseas departments for guidance in planning what the families dubbed, “The Mitzvah Brigade” – a week of mitzvah projects in Israel.

Sara and David Bejar and Daphna and Ariel Bentata – all long-time supporters of Federation and other Jewish community organizations – along with some of their friends from Miami, wanted to share with their children the importance of giving and doing for others.

“My wife and I sought to give our children the experience of a lifetime. Already great well-rounded kids, we wanted to take it up a notch and have them experience the gift of giving and sharing,” said Ariel Bentata. Sara Bejar agreed. “It’s important for us, as parents for them to see first-hand the effect of how their hard work and dedication can influence others,” she said.

In total, eight adults and 17 children between the ages of five and 18 participated in the “Brigade.” Spending a week in the Negev, the families performed mitzvah projects in the Federation’s partner city of Yerucham. On one day they helped beautify the surrounding kindergarten area. Later in the day, the families held and supplied an end-of-school-year party for children in <a "=""" ="="=" href=" http://jewishmiami.org/about/departments/israel_overseas/special_initiatives/index.html">Youth Futures, a program of the Jewish Agency for Israel that focuses on providing at-risk youngsters with positive role models, as well as tools for academic and personal success.

In Jerusalem, the Bentata and Bejar children volunteered at Hazon Yeshaya, a soup kitchen that provides daily hot meals to Israel’s most vulnerable citizens. Nearly one out of every four Israelis suffers from food insecurity or a lack of access to sufficient, nutritious food. By preparing and serving meals to the needy, the kids were able to see first-hand how Hazon Yeshaya is helping people affected by poverty. Learning more about food insecurity in Israel, the families participated in Project Leket, an awareness campaign in southern Israel that promotes food rescue – preserving fresh food that might otherwise be wasted, for the benefit of those who could use. They ventured out into the farm fields and took part in gleaning (gathering) crops for distribution to the needy.

Project Leket

In another project, the families visited Federation’s partner city of Pardes Channa-Karkur in Northern Israel and worked alongside local residents to help renovate the Yeshurun Ethiopian Youth Center. They also assisted in teaching an Ethiopian dance seminar.

“It was really cool to work with kids my age and to see how different their lives were from mine. I learned a lot and it really opened my eyes to just how fortunate I really am. I will definitely never forget this experience,” said Yomtov Bejar.

Prior to the trip, the Miami families held fundraising events such as a soccer tournament at the Michael Ann Russell Jewish Community Center and selling candy. They raised a generous $5,000; $3,500 went to the beautification of the surrounding kindergarten area and to the end-of-year party for Youth Futures and $1,500 went to supplying new uniforms for the Ethiopian dance troupe and soccer team, both located in Pardes Channa-Karkur.

Pardes Channa-Karkur soccer game

In addition to the hard work put forth during the family’s mitzvah projects, the “Brigade” had plenty of fun, including a visit to an IDF base where they met with soldiers and learned about daily life and of the challenges they face every day, sleeping in mud huts, bicycle riding through a Youth Village of Nitzana, camel rides, a dip in the Dead Sea and delicious Bedouin feasts.

After the week of mitzvah projects, their extended families from Mexico and South America joined them in Israel to celebrate their B’nai Mitzvah at the Kotel.

“Being Bar Mitzvah in Israel was really awesome. It was great to be with my family and giving back felt really good. I really liked getting to see so much of Israel with my whole family,” said Claudio Bentata.

“What a life-changing experience it was to see our children in their prime. We are very grateful to not only Federation for helping us with the arrangements but for the graciousness and kindness we received from the people in Israel. This was a truly remarkable journey had by everyone,” said Daphna Bentata.

The meaningful experiences the families shared together and the charitable actions they fulfilled are primary examples and are a part of the important work Federation does every day; enriching Jewish life for generations to come.

To see photos from the “The Mitzvah Brigade,” click here.

Want to experience Israel with your family and friends? Join Federation on Miami Mega Mission Israel 2012 or contact the Missions Department at [email protected] or 786.866.8436.

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