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Jul 3, 2023

JVC Stays Busy With Summer of Service

While South Florida slows down during the summer months, the work of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation Jewish Volunteer Center (JVC) does not stop. Last week, the JVC led a team of 50 campers from Camp J, the summer camp at Alper JCC Miami, on a service field trip to En Familia. The Homestead-based organization provides social-educational programs to improve and preserve family life for farmworkers and low-income families residing deep in South Miami-Dade County. JCC campers, all rising fifth graders, enjoyed team building and volunteer activities through the Jewish lens of tikkun olam (repairing the world). The children created murals, painted stones, weeded and upgraded garden beds, planted succulents and then decorated the area with their handmade stones.

Introducing JCC campers to our partners at En Familia was especially meaningful as it was the first time the two Federation-supported agencies had come together. “Seeing the kids in the garden, having fun and socializing, while also making a difference,  was incredibly fulfilling,” said Carlos Salgado, Founder and CEO of En Familia. “We are deeply appreciative of our partnership with Federation and its JVC and always look forward to our time together. It was an added bonus to spend time with the campers.”

An additional two hands-on volunteer field trips are scheduled for this summer. To learn more about our JVC and get involved, you may email [email protected].

Meet Scott

Meet Scott

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Israeli Division Mini Mission

Israeli Division Mini Mission

Earlier this month, Federation’s Israeli Division hosted the fourth annual Israeli Mini Mission, crisscrossing the country to bear witness to the horrific atrocities of October 7 and see firsthand how Federation donations are helping rebuild Israeli lives and their communities.

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Base Miami Relaunches

Base Miami Relaunches

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JFNA Helps Fund 16 New Mental Health Facilities

Jewish Federations are contributing approximately $7 million in a partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Health to create 16 community-based mental health centers, which will provide much-needed services to 200,000 Israelis each year.

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