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Mar 3, 2021

Sharsheret and Yodeah Educate Women About Breast Cancer


In honor of Women’s History Month, our Women's Philanthropy division wants you to know about Federation's efforts to improve the lives of Jewish Women everywhere. Our Women’s Impact Initiative Grants are supporting two organizations that help Jewish women understand their risk of breast cancer: Sharsheret and Yodeah, which means "to know" in Hebrew.

As the possibility of breast cancer increases with age, as outlined by the American Cancer Association, Sharsheret is organizing programs focused on educating women over age 55 about the importance of cancer screenings — an effort that will lead to early detection and better outcomes.“Delayed screenings and conflicting messages regarding screenings are particularly concerning for Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish women over the age of 55, who may face increased risks based on factors such as genetic mutations,” said Briana Schwarz, Florida Regional Director of Sharsheret. “We are grateful to partner with Federation to provide critical education to our community about this issue.”

Yodeah, a Miami-based, grassroots, volunteer organization facilitates low-cost, state-of-the-art testing for hereditary cancer gene mutations in the Jewish community. It holds educational events, which are currently on Zoom due to the pandemic. Dr. Elizabeth Etkin-Kramer, Yodeah's Founder, said, "We are so grateful for the Women's Impact Initiative Grants that have enabled us to educate thousands of Jews within our community and offer low-cost genetic testing, which is saving the lives of so many people." One of every 40 Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews carries the BRCA genetic mutation, independent of a family history of cancer. Men and women who carry a BRCA mutation can have a markedly higher lifetime risk of cancers and these cancers can develop at earlier ages. "We are excited to continue working with Federation as we roll out several new initiatives this year," Dr. Etkin-Kramer added. 

Federation Women’s Impact Initiative Grants support local initiatives that inspire and empower Jewish women and girls. To read about other grantees, click here.

To get involved with Women's Philanthropy, please contact Women's Philanthropy Director Ofi Osin-Cohen at [email protected]. To donate to the Annual Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign to support programs like this click here.  

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