Jun 5, 2024
Shavuot Celebration and Learning With Mishkan Miami and Refuat HaNefesh

Only a few spots remain for this Sunday's special learning opportunity with Mishkan Miami in advance of Shavuot. Commemorating the giving of the Torah to the Jewish People, Shavuot is traditionally observed by exploring Jewish texts and enjoying dairy products to honor Israel as the land of milk and honey. This free event, taking place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Federation, includes a kosher breakfast and is being sponsored by Mishkan Miami: The Jewish Connection for Spiritual Support — a program of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation — and its Refuat HaNefesh Alumni Fellows. Rabbi Frederick Klein, Mishkan Miami Director, will present commentary on the Book of Ruth and Rabbi Cheryl Weiner will facilitate an interactive exploration of the Ten Commandments. To register, please email [email protected] or call 786.866.8655.