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Mar 10, 2021

JCRC Denounces Heat Player’s anti-Semitic Slur

Statement Miami Heat

The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation condemns the anti-Semitic slur used by Miami Heat player Meyers Leonard while livestreaming a videogame. We welcome the swift denunciation by both the Heat and the NBA, and are grateful that the Heat, by firmly stating the organization’s zero tolerance of hateful language, sent a clear message to the South Florida Jewish community and to basketball fans everywhere that there is no justification for anti-Semitism and bigotry.

Additionally, JCRC acknowledges Mr. Leonard’s apology and appreciates his contrition and ownership of his hurtful actions. Ignorance is never an excuse for hate or intolerance, but we hope this becomes a teachable moment. We have reached out to the Heat to offer Mr. Leonard opportunities to learn more about the Jewish people and the inevitably harmful impact of anti-Semitism and bigotry in all forms. Assuming Mr. Leonard’s remorse is sincere, we are eager to connect with him to begin the healing process.

FIU and UM are ADL “A” Schools

FIU and UM are ADL “A” Schools

Mazal Tov to two Miami-Dade County Universities — Florida International University and University of Miami — which are among the select group of eight colleges to have received top marks in ADL’s recently released Campus Climate Report.

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Local Survivors Honored in Art Exhibit

Local Survivors Honored in Art Exhibit

A group of local Holocaust Survivors were recently featured on CBS Sunday Morning as part of a segment spotlighting the work of Gillian Laub, a photographer who is preserving the memory of the Shoah — one photo at a time.

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Israel and Miami Jewish Nonprofits Working Together

Israel and Miami Jewish Nonprofits Working Together

Nineteen top executives from organizations that educate and empower Israeli youth visited Miami recently, learning about Federation’s work with children and teens, visiting local sites and exploring ways to partner in the future.

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Apply for a College Scholarship

Apply for a College Scholarship

Attention, college and graduate students! The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation wants to help fund your education through the Sylvia Tuman Scholarship Program.

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