Jan 6, 2021
Critical Support Grant Extended to Help Holocaust Survivors
The Jewish Federations of North America has awarded Federation an additional two years of funding to continue the critical support work of caring for Holocaust Survivors. The award totals an impressive $525,000, which includes a $350,000 grant and additional matching funds from local and national partner agencies along with in-kind support from sub-grantees. Community Support Coordinator Fran Katz shared, "Nearly 300 Survivors received critical support services in the first year of this grant to resolve or prevent crisis. Specifically, it was used to provide emergency food, housing and medical needs to help them remain in their homes instead of having to go to institutional settings, as well as to offer socialization programs such as intergenerational engagement and music enrichment." Despite the pandemic, sub-grantees found creative ways to remain connected with program participants through phone calls, Zoom and even distanced visits. This year’s focus will be expanded beyond Holocaust Survivors to address essential needs of all older adults (along with their caregivers) who have experienced trauma using person-centered, trauma-informed care.