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May 8, 2023

Women’s Philanthropy Installs New Officers

Tammy Woldenberg was recognized and thanked for the leadership role she played as 2021-2023 President. “Tammy has served Women’s Philanthropy these past two years with much distinction,” said Immediate Past President Ilene Kossman, who served as installing officer. “This was especially true given much of her tenure took place during the pandemic. She was a visionary who kept us thinking out of the box and positioned Women’s Philanthropy to lead the way.” The event featured the installation of Elise Udelson as incoming Women's Philanthropy President and Amanda Adler as Campaign Chair, along with the other board members.

In her acceptance remarks, Udelson recognized the many Miami women leaders who inspired her on her journey through Women’s Philanthropy. She added, “I look forward with excitement and a sense of enormous responsibility, to assuming the role of Women’s Philanthropy President and working with my dynamic incoming Campaign Chair Amanda Adler ... the entire beautiful WP Board, and hopefully many, if not all of you as we enter a new era of women’s giving. Let’s create opportunities to thrive together as we inspire others to join us in this worthwhile endeavor.”

In addition to the installation and brunch, a highlight of the day was a tour of the Jewish Museum’s Lady Liberty exhibit, created by international renowned artist, photographer and writer Bonnie Lautenberg, who addressed the group. The exhibition honors the role women have played in championing freedom   so appropriate for Miami’s Jewish women who work tirelessly in pursuit of tikkun olam, repairing the world.

The following is the 2023-2024 Women’s Philanthropy Executive Board:

Elise Udelson, President

Amanda Adler, Campaign Chair

Leslie G. Benitah, Vice President Campaign Development

Michele Scheck, Vice President Education & Leadership

Jaclyn Bergman, Vice President Outreach & Development

Tammy Woldenberg, Immediate Past President & Nominating Committee Chair

Elaine Bachenheimer, Cristina Ben-Shmuel, Marissa Gimelstein and Malka Rodrig, Area Representatives

Heidi Baumann, Michelle Ben-Aviv, Melissa Buckner, Jennifer Chachkes, Suzette Diamond, Corey Feinsilver, Lilliam Furst, Lisa Goldstein, Nicole Gorin, Adriana Halac, Brenda Nullman, Alisa Oppenheim, Laurel Schwartz, Jayne Shapiro, Judy Siboni, Mindy Solomon, Miriam Steinberg and Lisa Weiner, Members-at-Large

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