Oct 5, 2021
Federation Partner Agencies Shine During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Sharsharet and Yodeah — two nonprofits whose work is centered around breast cancer screenings, support, education and awareness of the heightened risk for hereditary genetic mutations faced by Jewish women and men — are making sure Breast Cancer Awareness month does not go unnoticed. Your Federation donation helps support both organizations, which, as Federation partner agencies, receive a yearly allocation from our Annual Campaign. Both organizations are also recipients of a Federation Women’s Impact Initiative grant for their programs that empower Jewish women to take control of their health through educational panels and low-cost genetic testing.
Adrienne Pardo, a member of Federation Women's Amutot, Planning and Allocations and the Miami-Yerucham Partnership Committee, said, “The Jewish community is recognizing the importance of men and women knowing whether they carry a BRCA mutation so they can take additional life-saving steps to prevent cancer or treat it in an earlier stage.” To learn more about protecting your health, please join Yodeah and Sharsharet, along with many other Jewish organizations on Tuesday, October 19, 7:30 p.m. for Strong Women Make Powerful Choices, a virtual panel discussing these important issues. Click here for more information on the event.