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Ayelet Gundar-Goshen: Narratives of Trauma and Recovery

When: August 7, 2024 7:30 PM
Where: The Hub: Frankel Family Performing Arts Center
5950 N. Kendall Drive
Pinecrest, FL 33156
Organizer: Janice Baisman
Contact: Janice Baisman at [email protected] (305) 667-6667
Cost: $15.00 - $38.00
Summary: Award-winning Israeli novelist and clinical psychologist Ayelet Gundar-Goshen will discuss the impact of trauma in her literary work and the power of storytelling in her therapeutic work after October 7th.
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2024-08-07 19:30:00 2024-08-07 19:30:00 America/New_York Ayelet Gundar-Goshen: Narratives of Trauma and Recovery Award-winning Israeli novelist and clinical psychologist Ayelet Gundar-Goshen will discuss the impact of trauma in her literary work and the power of storytelling in her therapeutic work after October 7th. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/ayelet_gundar-goshen_narratives_of_trauma_and_recovery) The Hub: Frankel Family Performing Arts Center Janice Baisman [email protected]

Event Details


Award-winning Israeli novelist and clinical psychologist Ayelet Gundar-Goshen will discuss the impact of trauma in her literary work and the power of storytelling in her therapeutic work after October 7th.

In her new novel, The Wolf Hunt, the lives of an Israeli family based in the Silicon Valley are shattered after a terror attack on a local synagogue. The novel is an exploration of the fault lines in a community, a school, and a family, as an Israeli mother begins to suspect her teenage son of committing a terrible hate crime as revenge.

Working with terror victims in Israel after October 7, she discovered that the same tools used by writers to create imaginary stories could be useful for people trying to survive a horrific, unimaginable reality. By turning a chaotic reality into a well-constructed story, by telling the story from beginning to end, the victims of trauma can create meaning and begin to heal.

Book signing to follow.

Ticket may be purchased with or without a book. Books will be available for purchase. onsite.

Ayelet Gundar-Goshen is a clinical psychologist and an award-winning author living in Israel. Goshen's first novel, One Night Markovitch, won the Sapir Prize in 2012 for debut novel, and several international awards. Her second novel, Waking Lions, was selected by The New York Times Book Review as Editors' Choice list. The Wall Street Journal included the novel on its "Best Summer Reads" list. Goshen’s third novel, The Liar, was included in Elle magazine’s best book of the year list.

Gundar-Goshen is a contributor to BBC's The Cultural Frontline. She is also an occasional contributor to the Financial Times, Time Magazine and The Telegraph.


The Hub: Frankel Family Performing Arts Center

5950 N. Kendall Drive

Pinecrest, FL 33156


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  • 2024-08-07 19:30:00 2024-08-07 19:30:00 America/New_York Ayelet Gundar-Goshen: Narratives of Trauma and Recovery Award-winning Israeli novelist and clinical psychologist Ayelet Gundar-Goshen will discuss the impact of trauma in her literary work and the power of storytelling in her therapeutic work after October 7th. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/ayelet_gundar-goshen_narratives_of_trauma_and_recovery) The Hub: Frankel Family Performing Arts Center, Pinecrest, FL 33156 Janice Baisman [email protected]
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