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Sunny Isles Beach, Paradise Lost: A Postcard History

When: July 10, 2022 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Where: Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU
301 Washington Ave
Miami Beach 33139
Contact: Caitlyn Campana at [email protected]
Cost: Free
Summary: Join expert tour guide and Treasurer of the Miami Design Preservation League Joel Levine as he reconstructs the fascinating history of Sunny Isles Beach, with a focus on the work of legendary Miami Modern architect Norman Giller.
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2022-07-10 14:00:00 2022-07-10 15:00:00 America/New_York Sunny Isles Beach, Paradise Lost: A Postcard History Join expert tour guide and Treasurer of the Miami Design Preservation League Joel Levine as he reconstructs the fascinating history of Sunny Isles Beach, with a focus on the work of legendary Miami Modern architect Norman Giller. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/sunny_isles_beach_paradise_lost_a_postcard_history) Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU [email protected]

Event Details


Join expert tour guide and Treasurer of the Miami Design Preservation League Joel Levine as he reconstructs the fascinating history of Sunny Isles Beach. Using vibrant postcards, price lists, and other precious archival material and videos, Levine will time travel from the original 1920 purchase of the town by Harvey Baker Graves to the post-WWII period of glamorous resorts and motels and into the present day.

In connection with the current exhibition Giller on Giller: An Adventure in Architecture, Levine will also identify the special contribution of legendary architect Norman Giller, who designed more than 70 percent of the luxurious Miami Modern hotels that dotted the Sunny Isles Beach waterfront in the 1950s and 1960s.


Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU

301 Washington Ave

Miami Beach 33139


Register at https://secure.qgiv.com/for/jmoffiu/event/850265/.

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Sunny Isles Beach, Paradise Lost: A Postcard History


To register for this event, please click here.


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  • 2022-07-10 14:00:00 2022-07-10 15:00:00 America/New_York Sunny Isles Beach, Paradise Lost: A Postcard History Join expert tour guide and Treasurer of the Miami Design Preservation League Joel Levine as he reconstructs the fascinating history of Sunny Isles Beach, with a focus on the work of legendary Miami Modern architect Norman Giller. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/sunny_isles_beach_paradise_lost_a_postcard_history) Jewish Museum of Florida-FIUPlease refer to event page [email protected]
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