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Towards More Inclusive Children's Literature: Combating Antisemitism

When: March 10, 2022 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Virtual
Contact: Caitlyn Campana at [email protected]
Summary: Join panelists David Perry, Rachel Conrad, and Ruth Behar as they discuss the importance of inclusive children's literature, with particular attention to combating antisemitism.
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2022-03-10 19:00:00 2022-03-10 20:00:00 America/New_York Towards More Inclusive Children's Literature: Combating Antisemitism Join panelists David Perry, Rachel Conrad, and Ruth Behar as they discuss the importance of inclusive children's literature, with particular attention to combating antisemitism. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/towards_more_inclusive_childrens_literature_combating_antisemitism) Virtual [email protected]

Event Details


This hour-long program is dedicated to promoting more inclusive children’s literature, with an eye to combating antisemitism in this broader genre. It features three distinguished speakers: David Perry, who will largely address his recent op-ed/article “Why I hope my kids never read Roald Dahl”; Rachel Conrad, who will address the whitewashing of Anne Frank’s memoirs and the need to value and highlight children’s voices and lived experiences as writers; and Ruth Behar, who will discuss the premise of her new children’s book Tía Fortuna's New Home: A Jewish Cuban Journey.

Panelists will speak to the broader issue of inclusive children’s literature by drawing attention to Roald Dahl’s antisemitism, highlighting children’s voices and experiences (particularly through the lens of Anne Frank), and offering new and alternative voices to the Jewish lived experience.

This program is presented by the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU and the Wolfsonian Public Humanities Lab & is sponsored by Humanities Edge and the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Program.



Towards More Inclusive Children's Literature: Combating Antisemitism


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  • 2022-03-10 19:00:00 2022-03-10 20:00:00 America/New_York Towards More Inclusive Children's Literature: Combating Antisemitism Join panelists David Perry, Rachel Conrad, and Ruth Behar as they discuss the importance of inclusive children's literature, with particular attention to combating antisemitism. (http://jewishmiami.org/events/towards_more_inclusive_childrens_literature_combating_antisemitism) VirtualPlease refer to event page [email protected]
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