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Michael A. Teplitsky

Michael A. Teplitsky

Michael Teplitsky became involved in leadership of the Jewish United Fund in 2009, when he joined the Young Leadership Division Board (YLD) of The Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago (JUF). In 2012, Michael became the YLD Campaign chair and under his leadership, YLD raised over $2.4 million. He continued to serve JUF in 2014 as a Campaign Leader of the Trades, Industries and Professions Division and in 2015 as the Chair of the Financial Services Division’s Campaign which raised $9.3 million.

Michael participated in numerous JUF taskforces including the Israel and Overseas Commission, Kyiv Kehillah Project, Legacies & Endowments Committee, and Nominating Committee. He participated in JUF’s Nachshon mission and JFNA national missions to Azerbaijan, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Morocco, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Spain. He Co-Chaired the 2016 NYL Summer Mission to Israel. Michael received JUF’s Davis, Gidwitz, Glasser Young Leadership Award in 2015. He was selected to join JFNA’s National Young Leadership Cabinet in 2012 and was selected to be the Co-Chair in 2017. In 2017, Michael was selected to join the Wexner Heritage Program. Michael is also an Advisor to Taglit-Birthright Israel Excel Fellows Program.

Michael is a managing director at Wynnchurch Capital, a $2.3 billion industrial private equity firm, where his responsibilities include investment origination, execution and monitoring. He holds a B.A. with honors from Northwestern University and an M.B.A. from The Kellogg School of Management. Michael completed Kellogg’s Board Fellows Program, a highly selective two-year intensive training program in nonprofit board governance. He is the founder of YPE, a 40,000 member energy sector trade group, a member of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Children’s Choir and a member of The Economic Club of Chicago.

Michael is a native of St. Petersburg, Russia and where he and his parents were Refuseniks in 1980-1988. His father subsequently made Aliyah in 1989. Michael lives in Chicago and is a proud father of two daughters, Jordyn (5) and Sydney (4).

Miami Students Visit Yerucham

Miami Students Visit Yerucham

During their recent ninth-grade trip to Israel, students from the Federation-funded Scheck Hillel Community School enjoyed a day of sports education, play and interaction in Yerucham.

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Be Jewish Miami Proud Forever

Be Jewish Miami Proud Forever

Are you Jewish Miami Proud? You can have an impact on our community forever by making a legacy gift through The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

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Federation Funds Rehabilitative Care in Israel

Federation Funds Rehabilitative Care in Israel

To address the current shortage of outpatient rehabilitative facilities, our Federation has partnered with the Israeli Ministry of Health, Jewish federations in Chicago, LA and Houston, as well the national IEF to open 20 new outpatient centers in underserved areas through a collective investment of $2.8 million.

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No One Should Grieve Alone

No One Should Grieve Alone

Come together on Thursday, April 3 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus for an encouraging and compelling gathering that will help you find hope and healing after loss.

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