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Israeli-American Women's Empowerment Program 2022-23

Israeli-American Women's Empowerment Program 2022-23
Date: Various dates (Application and payment due date by Thursday, June 30, 2022) 
Time: 7:30-10:00 PM
Location: Michael-Ann Russell JCC
18900 NE 25 Ave, Miami, FL 33180
Sessions will be held in person.

Contact: Assaf Shami at [email protected]

The cost for this Women’s Empowerment educational series is $500, which includes $140 for the program and a $360 tax-deductible gift to the 2022 Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign. We sincerely thank the instructors who have donated their time to support the Federation Campaign and their desire to help raise vital funds to sustain programs that benefit the Jewish people in Miami, Israel, and 70 other countries worldwide.  

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