Senior Services

Looking for Senior Services? We’re happy to help! We have plenty of resources available that you will want to take advantage of. So browse the services listed below to find what you need.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Just ask us. Email [email protected] or call 305.576.4000.

Senior Housing

Weinberg Federation Gardens 10905 SW 112 Avenue
Miami, Florida 33176

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Federation Gardens is a Greater Miami Jewish Federation-sponsored subsidized, elderly housing facility with 159 apartment units and more than 170 residents in two facilities in Kendall.

It is one of the Federation’s two affordable housing facilities, funded through HUD. Residents have their own private apartments set in garden surroundings with affordable rent. There are amenities, such as free transportation to run errands, and a full range of services through Federation's beneficiary agencies that include home healthcare, social services, meals and recreation.

Weinberg Federation Towers 757 West Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Federation Towers serves 133 residents in 114 apartment units in beautiful South Miami Beach. It is HUD-funded elderly housing that is subsidized by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.

Completed in 1979 and sponsored by the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, Weinberg Federation Towers is an affordable 114-unit apartment complex for adults of all denominations, age 62 and older. It is one of the Federation’s two senior housing facilities in Miami-Dade County, both of which are funded and subsidized by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Today, Weinberg Federation Towers remains a model residential property for seniors living independently. According to Federation Housing Chair Martin Goodman, the facility continues to receive the highest marks for its physical condition, as well as its program of integrated services that enable residents to remain self-sufficient.

Weinberg Federation Towers adopted its name at its 25th anniversary, when it was re-dedicated in memory of the late Harry and Jeanette Weinberg, whose private, not-for-profit foundation supports the ongoing operational maintenance of the facility.

Golden Care Foundation

Golden Care is a program for seniors who need a support system in Miami and are part of the Heritage Society of The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. This personalized program if helpful for widows or individuals with family who live far away. Golden Care members will care for its members, take them to doctors, help them shop, get medication, provide advice on finances and Medicare, attend events, and make them feel part of the community.

Resources Provided by Jewish Community Services (JCS)

AVIVA: Miami Beach Senior Center extension senior activity program in cooperation with the JCC for active seniors. Call for schedule, 305.673.6060.

HEALTHWATCH EMERGENCY ALERT RESPONSE: Provides an at-home emergency response system to help get assistance quickly during a sudden emergency. A trained operator will talk to you. Even if you are unable to speak, someone will respond to your aid.

HOMEBOUND MEALS: Kosher Meals-on-Wheels program delivers prepared meals frail elderly, 60+, five days a week.

HOMEMAKER REFERRAL SERVICES: Home care aides, homemakers and trained companions provide quality in-home assistance for senior citizens. Activities include light housework, meals and companionship. Referral services only.

L'CHAIM: Miami Beach Senior Center extension senior activity program in Sunny Isles, located in the St. Mary's Parish Hall for active seniors. Call for schedule, 305.673.6060.

MASADA HOME CARE: A Miami-Dade County licensed service offering professional home health care to individuals who choose to live independently. Services include personal care, respite, homemaker services, escort, companion and daily living assistance.

MIAMI BEACH SENIOR CENTER: Provides a State-licensed adult day care program for frail elders in addition to a full social and recreational Senior Center program for well elders. Adult day care provides transportation, Kosher meals and a full complement of therapeutic social and recreational programs. Both programs are prevention oriented and focused on health maintenance. Outreach recreation programs are located at the Miami Beach Jewish Community Center and in the city of Sunny Isles Beach in the St. Mary's Parish Hall. A Russian New American Club has active chapters in South Beach, North Miami Beach and Sunny Isles Beach.

NATURALLY OCCURING RETIREMENT COMMUNITY (NORC): an innovative community-based health and supportive services model to assist a growing number of seniors who are aging in place. The community, called Pointe East, comprises a 55+ age cohort of approximately 1500 residential units within Aventura, Florida. By providing adequate supports within a 'neighbor helping neighbor' environment, these individuals are able to maintain their independence, dignity, and quality of life.

RUSSIAN CLUB: Social skills development (integration into the community) group for Russian-born seniors.

SENIOR NUTRITION PROJECT: Provides kosher meals to those ages 60+, deemed to be in economic or social need, at five community-based congregate meal sites on Miami Beach, North Miami Beach, and South Dade. Homebound meals, either frozen or hot, are delivered to the frail elderly throughout Dade County. An ancillary shopping service for this population is also available. Congregate meal sites offer nutritionally balanced meals as well as a friendly environment that promtes education and socialization.

SENIOR RIDE: Provides wheelchair-accessible transportation services on Miami Beach to those unable to utilize public transportation, including seniors 60+. Primary destination points include the congregate meal sites, senior centers, doctors, hospitals, and grocery stores.

SEYMOUR GELBER ADULT DAY CARE CENTER: In partnership with Miami-Dade County Elderly Services, this State-licensed adult day care/respite service is offered to frail and impaired adults and their caregivers primarily residing in South Dade. Staff is trained to work with special needs (i.e., dementia/Alzheimer's disease). These special needs clients receive a meal, social and recreational activities as well as assistance with activities of daily living such as medication administration and toileting.

SHOPPING SERVICE: Provides shopping services for home-bound elderly clients.

Phone Numbers

Congregate Meal Sites

Gelber Adult Day Care Center

Healthwatch Emergency Alert
Response System

In-Home Assistance Referral Service

Kosher Meals-on-Wheels

Masada Home Care, Inc.

Miami Beach Senior Center

Senior Employment Program

Senior Ride

Shopping Service for
Homebound Meal Clients

JFNA Statement on Slain Hostages

JFNA Statement on Slain Hostages

The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) mourn and pray for the families of Itzik Elgarat, Tsahi Idan, Shlomo Mantzur and Ohad Yahalomi, all taken hostage from their safe rooms and homes in a horrifying manner by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

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Super Sunday and Good Deeds Day Were Super Great

Super Sunday and Good Deeds Day Were Super Great

More than 500 volunteers of all ages came together at the Greater Miami Jewish Federation last Sunday to raise vital dollars and join in meaningful mitzvah projects to support those in need.

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The Women’s Event With Chef Yaniv Cohen

The Women’s Event With Chef Yaniv Cohen

On Thursday, March 20, 10 a.m.-noon at Temple Israel, participants will experience on an interactive culinary journey exploring the origins and health benefits of spices with Chef Yaniv Cohen.

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#JewishMiamiProud at the Florida Capitol

#JewishMiamiProud at the Florida Capitol

Jewish Miami is taking over the Capitol March 25-26 with our fellow Florida Federations and the Israeli Consulate for an exciting 24 hours of pro-Israel programming.

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