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Results: 1231 to 1240 of 2363

On JBS: Comcast Premieres Tuesday, Dec 8 on Channel 1684; Hampton Synagogue subtitles, , 92Y-Inside Mossad, Biden & U.S.-Israel, Mike Burstyn-Azimuth, Marsha Merkulova-Club “Z,” Jewish Wisdom in Covid, Celebrate Chanukah with JBS!

Watch JBS on Comcast X1 Box 1684, Atlantic Broadband Ch168, Hotwire Ch269, Fios Ch798, DirecTV Ch388, Blue Stream Ch 110, streamed on Roku under "educational", Apple TV, Fire TV and For a complete and timely schedule and other television providers, go to

Live: IAJF NY Gala 2020

The annual Gala of the American Iranian Jewish Federation celebrating “Giving, Caring, Believing, & Community” with U.A.E. U.S. Ambassador Yousef Al Otaib, Israeli Consul Gen. Israel Nitzan, singer Liraz Charhi, comic Elon Gold and the IDF Musical Ensemble. Tonight (Sunday) - 6pm

92nd Street Y: Inside the Mossad

Journalist Ronen Bergman (“Rise and Kill First”) discusses the history of the Mossad and describes many of its most daring successes and addresses the moral issues relating to targeted assassinations. With David Sanger at the 92nd Street Y in NYC. (2018) Today (Sunday) - 8:00pm & 1:30am; Monday - 10pm; Tuesday - 4am; Wednesday - 10:30am; Saturday - 1:00am & 4pm

Jewish Cinematheque: Azimuth

Israeli/American star of stage, screen and television, Mike Burstyn (Barnum-Broadway, Kuni Lemel-Film) discusses his movie-directing debut Azimuth, about an Israeli soldier and Egyptian soldier in conflict after the Six Day War. With Eric Goldman.
Monday - 7:30pm & 2:00am; Saturday - 1:30am

U.S.-Israel In Biden Administration

Col. David Hacham – who served in IDF intelligence, as an advisor for Arab affairs for a series of Defense Ministers, and participated in Oslo, forecasts U.S.-Israeli relations in a Biden Administration. With Benjamin Anthony for the MIrYam Institute. Monday - 8:00pm & 1:00am; Wednesday - 2:00pm; Saturday - 7pm

When No Answers, Jewish Wisdom

Rabbi Avi Strausberg, Dir. of National Learning Initiatives at Hadar), shares wisdom of the Torah and Talmud that can provide guidance during times of great uncertainty, such as Covid-19. With Andrew Feuerstein at the 2020 General Assembly of the JFNA. Tuesday - 8:00pm & 1:00am; Thursday - 2:00pm; Saturday – 8pm & 2am

On L’Chayim

L’Chayim: Masha Merkulova

Russian born Masha Merkulova, Founding Exec. Dir. of “Club Z,” describes how she did not know she was a Jew till age 16; and explains her passion for educating American teens about Zionism so they go to college as proud Zionists. Wednesday - 9pm & Midnight; Thursday - 3:00pm

Today (Sunday) – Lessons From Survivors (Naomi Vilko) Psychiatrist and Jewish activist Naomi Vilko memorializes her mother, Holocaust Survivor Olga Vilko, and expresses her concerns about Jewish attitudes towards Israel and the American government, as well as about American Jewry. Sunday Dec 6 - 12 Noon & 6pm; Monday - 3pm

Monday: Fighting BDS In Israel

The CEO of "Im Tirtzu," Matan Peleg, and Board Chair Douglas Altabef, discuss their work as the leading Israeli organization educating Israelis who have been influenced by the BDS Movement to doubt the legitimacy of the State of Israel. Monday - 9:00pm & 12 Midnight; Tuesday - 3:00pm

Tuesday: Bernard-Henri Levy

France's leading Jewish intellectual, journalist and author, Bernard Henri Levy, discusses his own Jewish journey and how he came to write a book about Jewish identity, antisemitism and the Jewish Tradition, "The Genius of Judaism." Tuesday - 9:00pm & 2:00am; Wednesday - 3:00pm

Saturday: Dudu Fisher

One of Israel's greatest performers, Dudu Fisher describes his father's survival during the Holocaust, his concerns for the State of Israel today and his personal journey from prospective dental student to world renowned cantor and star of Les Miz.
Saturday - 6:00pm & 12 Midnight

For The Holiday Of Chanukah

Talmud: Chanukah

For the holiday of Chanukah, Rabbi Mordechai Becher discusses some of the Talmudic passages relating to the Festival; and as we celebrate the triumph of the Maccabees, Rabbi Becher addresses the concept of “Jewish Heroism.” On “Dimensions of the Daf.” Today (Sunday) - 9:00am; Tuesday - 9:00am & 4:30pm; Thursday - 7:00pm; Friday - 2:00am

Talmud: Jewish Heroism

Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Senior Lecturer for the Gateways Organization and the author of Gateways To Judaism uses biblical texts and rabbinic commentary to explore the notion of "heroism" in the Jewish Tradition. On the JBS Series “Dimensions of the Daf.” Today (Sunday) - 9:30am; Tuesday - 9:30am & 5:00pm; Thursday - 7:30pm; Friday - 2:30am

Jewish 101: Chanukah

For the holiday of Chanukah, Rabbi Mark S. Golub discusses the history of the Maccabean triumph over the Syrians in Jerusalem and the adult lessons drawn from the Festival, which have shaped American values regarding ethnic identity. On “Jewish 101.” Today (Sunday) - 10am; Wednesday - 9am & 4:30pm; Friday - 1:00pm

The Jewish Story: Hanukkah

The rise of Greek culture and Hellenization in Judea drives the Maccabees to defeat the Syrian Army and rededicate (“Chanukah”) the Temple in Jerusalem. Episode 10 of “The Jewish Story Explained,” a series from OpenDor Media with host Rivka Deray. Monday 7:15pm & 2:45am; Wednesday - 1:15pm

Stars of "Marvelous Mrs. Maisel"

To celebrate Chanukah, JBS replays conversations with cast members from Amy Sherman-Palladino's hit Amazon series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” including Rachel Brosnaham (Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), Alex Borstein (Susie), Michael Zegen (Joel) and Marin Hinkle (Rose).
Thursday - 9:00pm & Midnight; Friday - 3:00pm

Jake Ehrenreich Show

To celebrate Chanukah, see Comedienne and impressionist Marilyn Michaels, and Alan Dershowitz singing on stage, on an encore presentation of the Premiere of “The Jake Ehrenreich Show,” with Jake’s inducting Jerry Lewis into the Catskills Hall of Fame. Thursday – 10:30pm & 1am

Friday Night Shabbat Services

Reform: Central Synagogue Shabbat Services - 6pm, 11:30pm & 2:00am

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue Shabbat Services - 7:30pm & 10:30pm Premiering Friday Shabbat Services With Subtitles

Shabbat Morning Services

Reform: Central Synagogue Shabbat Morning Services - 9:30am & 1pm

Orthodox: Hampton Synagogue Shabbat Morning Services - 11am & 2:30pm With Subtitles

Edith Samers Vice President 203.536.6914 (cell phone) JBS Jewish Broadcasting Service, a 501c3 fulltime television channel Website:

Recovery Through a Jewish Lens Chanukah Candle Lighting

Jewish Recovery Community Chanukah Celebration

Thursday, December 17th, 7:00 pm via Zoom

Recovery Through a Jewish Lens at Temple Beth Am invites you on the brightest night of Chanukah to be inspired, to be blessed and to be transformed. Join Cantor Rebekah Mirsky, founding Cantor of Beit Teshuvah, synagogue and rehabilitation center in LA, as she leads us in a musical Chanukah candle lighting celebration and shares her recovery journey. We will also share a teaching for Chanukah that will resonate with those recovering from addiction, their friends and families. RSVP to Mindy Robbin at [email protected] to receive the zoom link. For more information contact Rabbi Jaime Aklepi at 305.667.6667.

Confidentiality observed

Resilience Program for South Florida

The Community Resilience Training Program is a two-part online seminar which introduces community members with the basic knowledge and tools necessary to support them in strengthening their community's resilience during crises in their home locality.

The training is designed for community members who are playing an active role in their communities representing various roles and disciplines, including: community leaders, religious leaders, social workers, educators, medical professionals, etc.

Participants will engage in group exercises and case studies delivered by IsraAID’s protection team and field staff.

Online Training Dates- S. Florida Area Trainings start at 12:00 pm EST and will last 3.5-4 hours:

December 9, 2020 | Seminar 1: Intro to Emergency Response and Strengthening Community Resilience December 16, 2020 | Seminar 2: Psychological First Aid and Self-Care

*Attendees are required to attend both sessions

Click here to register and more information.

TOMORROW: Hope and Healing From the Darkness. Inspiration for Chanukah for Those Experiencing Loss

Monday, December 7, 2020 6:30-8:00 pm

Mishkan Miami Invites you to a Special Uplifting Journey as we move through the Hanukkah holiday and into the New Year!


Rabbis Frederick Klein and Cheryl Weiner and Cantorial Soloist Laura Lenes

Experience words of comfort for those who are experiencing grief--- the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the loss of connection with others due to the pandemic.

Learn skills, activities, rituals that help us cope with grief and loss through the holidays.

Discover how we can support each other in this challenging time.

Listen to music, songs, and blessings that soothe the soul.

Share how we can bring our inner source of light to illuminate the world.

                   Register in advance for this meeting:

Shine Your Light: PJ Library Kids Celebrates Chanukah

At Chanukah, we celebrate how light – in all its forms – can triumph over any darkness. Creating this light in every moment and every interaction is a choice. Whether itʼs a meal for someone hungry, support for a friend in crisis or simply a smile and kind word for someone in need, making light is what itʼs about. We will make all kinds of light as we enjoy a Chanukah story time, create our very own Dreidel Suncatchers and build delicious Marshmallow Menorahs!

Click here for missing supplies!

Click here to RSVP!

Find Comfort and Solace

As the coronavirus crisis continues, the power of prayer can provide inspiration. It links us to G-d and one another. Here are some words that you can turn to for those in need of healing and hope. Click here.

Shalom Baby Goes Virtual

Shalom Baby, offered by Temple Beth Sholom, wants to help new parents-to-be welcome their baby with confidence. The childbirth education class welcomes pregnant women (20 weeks+) and their partners for experiential training on childbirth and conversation about traditional and new Jewish rituals for welcoming your baby into world. Also included are three follow up sessions featuring tips from a pediatrician, lactation and sleep consultants and a post-partum mental health psychologist, among others. Click here for more information and to register.

Explore the Virtual Jewish Experience Shuk

Offering nearly 100 unique, high-quality experiences, the Experience Shuk is the largest centralized marketplace of cutting-edge live and on-demand Jewish virtual engagement for camps, informal educators and families. Searchable by a variety of functions including age of participants, cost, programmatic specialty and language, once you identify an experience of interest, you can easily connect to the content provider to plan meaningful programs together. The Virtual Jewish Experience Shuk is part of the Jewish Camp @ Home project, a shared initiative of Foundation for Jewish Camp and Mosaic United. Take a look around by clicking here.

Kabbalat Shabbat for the Whole Family

Join Portland-based musician Alicia Jo Rabins for a weekly Kabbalat Shabbat Fridays at 5:30PM ET. Click here to get the Zoom link and a weekly reminder.

Free Kosher Food Distribution at Greater Miami Jewish Federation on December 10

Thursday, December 10
9-11 a.m.

First come, first served while supplies last.
Please do not arrive before 9 a.m.

Click here for more info

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